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March 12, 2012 The Honorable Alon Gilon Freedom of Information Office Administration of the Courts State of Israel

l 22 Kanfey Nesharim Street, Jerusalem

By email: By Fax: 02-6513191

Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@earthlin, c=US Date: 2012.03.13 17:59:57 +02'00'

Response within 14 days is kindly requested. RE: Pending Freedom of Information Requests, in re: a) Changes in certification by the Clerk of the Supreme Court 2001-2002, b) Ultimate administrative authority for servers of the Supreme Court Dear Judge Gillon: Thanks for your offices recent correspondence, regarding my Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request P 28-2012, originally filed on February 18, 2012. To this date, I have not received any response on my FOIA requests, linked below, originally dated from January 2012, pertaining to: a) Changes in certification by the Clerk of the Supreme Court 2001-2002, b) Ultimate administrative authority for servers of the Supreme Court I would be grateful if you office would inform me regarding the anticipated response time on these requests. Truly, Joseph Zernik, PhD

LINKS: [1] 12-01-19 Freedom of Information Request on the Administration of Courts, in re: Changes around 2001-2 in certification by the Clerk of judicial records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel. [2] 12-01-31 Freedom of Information Request on the Administration of Courts, in re: The ultimate administrative authority for the servers of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel [3] 12-02-17 Repeat Freedom of Information Requests on the Administration of Courts, in re: a) Changes in certification by the Clerk of the Supreme Court, b) Ultimate administrative authority for servers of the Supreme Court R s

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