AG - C5, S3 - WS - Key - 2012

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AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Chapter 5, Section 3 - Funsheet Key

1. Political party eras: a. Democratic (1800-1860) b. Republican (1860-1932) c. Democratic (1932-1968) 2. Thomas Jeffersons election in 1800 was known as the Revolution of 1800 because it was the first time in modern history that a new political party seized control in a peaceful way. 3. The period from 1815 to 1824 was called The Era of Good Feelings because the Democratic-Republican Party was virtually unopposed. 4. Slavery was the issue that split the Whig Party and the Democratic Party in the 1850s. 5. The Republican Party was founded in 1854 by anti-slavery activists. 6. Election of 1860: a. Southern Democrats - John C. Breckinridge b. Northern Democrats - Stephen Douglas c. Republicans - Abraham Lincoln (Winner) d. Constitutional Union Party - John C. Bell 7. After Reconstruction, the South became known as Solid South because of its overwhelming support for the Democratic Party. 8. The stock market crash happened in October of 1929. 9. Franklin Roosevelt: a. Was the only president to be elected four times b. Was the longest serving President

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