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Harris Academy Crystal Palace Maberley Road, London, SE19 2JH

We chose this location to shoot our thriller film because we thought it was a realistic setting meaning its unlikely for unusual spooky happenings to occur there. We can relate to this location because we are familiar with it so we are able to use the facilities wisely. Also, the building and the area around it is big so it doesnt limit us to what we can do in this location. In thriller films there is often a lot of action going on so it is easier to use a big location.

This is the outside of the school which will be seen at the beginning of the film. This area sets the scene.

This is the main entrance which the girls will be walking past.

This is one of the corridors that will be used.

These are old-aged looking stairs which will be used by the four girls.

This is the classroom where they will have their detention.

This is the corridor that will be used for the premonition. We will use a small corridor to enhance the thriller feel.

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