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Heritage Builders International 16800 E EL LAGO BLVD FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268

April 7, 2011 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing regarding a recent situation regarding Spirit Life Church and Pastor Bobby Torres. My wife Irene and I have been attending Spirit Life Church for over a year now. Prior to attending Spirit Life Church I planted Heritage Church in NJ, helped build a network of churches internationally and have served in the ministry for over 30 years. I am presently the founder and CEO of Heritage Builders International which is a ministry to churches and leaders. I have extensive experience working with churches in various capacities including conflict resolution. I am an expert in approaching situations from an ecclesial perspective. From what I know of the situation between Elizabeth Nuanes and the church, it would appear that in spite of numerous attempts by the church and specifically Pastor Bobby, Elizabeth has not been open to seek truly biblical solutions to her perceived issues. She has repeatedly refused to meet with the leadership of the church to bring a resolve to her concerns. Instead, she has pursued her own unbiblical course of action designed not to bring a resolution or closure to her concerns, but rather seems intent to exact some kind of revenge or punishment in an attempt to satisfy her apparent anger or discontent. This of course of action is not only unacceptable behavior from a biblical perspective, it is also unwise and in many ways could be considered personally destructive from many other perspectives. Revenge is a deception and never a solution that brings the empty promise of closure. This kind of vengeful action of casting aspersions on Spirit Life Church and the wonderful ministry that takes place there cannot possibly result in any kind of positive resolve. The scripture is clear regarding that which we plantWe will also reap. Planting evil and vengeful actions can only return more of the same. Respectfully Submitted,

Dion Boffo Heritage Builders International

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