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Room (0h eae Aan ner 4 es cy rl fg F Li a Pr ee Wd ee i ure, | [i pa ny ete Li 1.Well,the usual bbring question. Tell us s0nething Pe about. the band's formation,members,musical infly ne ences and stuffe like that, MOG ae TARY \ ere | oo i o oe P ([1veil let ms sea now, it all scarted way back at school when :A parish pre&st told me that it's o,k to’ masturbate as long {As theres no dirty thoughts porn on in my mind!hey,walt a minute, thats too way back! check out 2 yearz back in some fa- ng sprayed faraga at the back of the binan public cementery yeah theres abunch a hardcore kids Jammin the concrete hard did their kick flip bouncy bland of H.C Slikey and although they've bean thrown-out from ona Jam igloo .to another alther by the I.0.A some pissed-up parents or evan some disarointad Alcho- junkies when they didn'T exactly liked what they aske:! For when they requested their favorite Song, duli?éTHs Bavay Nlendship bec. an interwoven unity thet's transparent and head strong.until wa bec. in effect as BFK today in our flrsto con- tierto at the fronto of tha Ingo statlonario tn tinyland met-, ro manila', and since then the fluidity of the soundt gay con- tinuosly avolva and feed the fira of a countor culture wa call ° the underground.with their basshole Supernes slapper honasto A ay ieee f ae B, doing the king peng buttfuckin tripple bouncy wibh all the. i | 4 wealrd repression of gadnhi & norman bates combined we still ‘eS Find Couldn't figure out the brother's Sarcasio,mapnifio brain any pete. a | way ,he's olso heavily involva with the crew's dastop graphics iS CF a ideal Se a Bang-out on the cass,sbaeya! thanks to our freind and p.c god Father ali arnold ali! paace! with the groo blooded apocalypse. Drumolition of cid ''the hitman mendozn, wich damage our ear- ° Gruma with his hi-freak brasa plates.the whole bfk crew inelu- ding rey's doggy mr.brooks is planning to file a suite against The bro, but we all reconsider coz eld also cooks tha bast Tunfhmizwah scarffy on the known galaxy so it'g cool, beside, Coz of him, the crew's really def! and when everybody thought That there is no such story as a murder's hand is grafted to a flute player who lost his hand in a vehicle collission acei- dent at an early afe,well guess apain coz ie got asixatring strange holder inaiming the living daylinhts ometa necks in Gigs and many secluded jam places, ah yeah we call him andreas & though he doesnt talk much, he carry a big wah', & he use It foo beating the shit outta ever Songs trey've done, with the microphone Ob ve-by of donkey boy ugly me! reypeaca jurky Biwith thae aaePey Teena tool enforcing tha colletive Jound & say wibh most the blofeedbach Corexcuss for asong on musica] Influences,hmmn, let ma see now really don't see the reason Fér this as it ofentimes pigeon hole or Stereotype infainy a Bunch'S hardeffort,but o,k ror the sake of those who wants to | to trade casette nue wid me,I like,Cead ends, Tutang-I-nas ha cette ee ce-T,sick of all,bad brains,rage azainst- & machine, bambix n.y.h,c,ainga oreankjapan li.c ete!anime RPG GAMES! an yeahlif anybody Bite bbere 'awiliang to trade soft i aN Wares, eee aig Sa Seek fe I'll be happy to trade you some-o my sleep deprivation shits like comance (MAX OVERKILL).,alone in the d ete toe That is if you got the star trek 25TIl anniversary ,warlord2 Yo! here’s the much & mech warrior! ah yeah! burn and also an anti dote for the Syhe yak & X tac virus poz accidentally destroyed arnold awaited BIOFEEDBACK Whole hard driveloops! it took the bro, weeks to set-up interview. Fivst I muse The aes & now he wish ine dead} oh mon! can wash your shoes thank Reypeage for +~he How about my collection of used experemental animal condom? iWered ble length of hig a ee ee a I's yore, .iiiis: cee © femme eluates ‘ — aoa : iE 1 ai ' ruminer of FREAK Stow’ (see review of REVIEWS FOR VOICE OUT! their demo for contact address) -“ALARMA SOCIAL "ESTADO DE ALARMA" 7"EP, lt*s really great to hear new cool & inte lligant spanish bands, This record is the debut of a great band from Burgas. The ir 7"E€p is released in collaboration with FRAGMENT (the singer’s label) and RUM BLE REKORS (from Madrid), It’contains 6 cool tracks with a really great sound & really great lyrics, @@™ which talk about our Spanish scene, friendship, ecology, personal problems... in a very intelligent point of view. Their music is nice & fast; in the vein of early 7 SECONDS. Their attitude is totally cool, too. They are busy working on new tracks for a new record (1 can “t wait to hear it!)}, Any- way, you still can enjoy with this really great one!, WRITE TO: FRAGMENT, P.O. BOX 2247, O9080 BURGOS, SPAIN. MORE REVIEWS divect from Espana! =GRIMAIHC “ZINE (4th issue), Again, our friend Wilo presents a new issue of his nice & interest “zine. This time is better & thicker than @m other issues. As always, with a @ cool punk as fuck layout, this issue includes: Articles against McDollars, EMI,... drawings, letters, a nice poster, reviews, news and intervieus with: LOONY TUNES RDS., ALARMA SOCIAL, SIX FEET OVER, TRIP INSIDE, EZIN IZAN, KRU EL CIRCUS, SOROLL ROS., FREAK SHOW, etc. Wilo also runs a big distro with loads a of cool stuff at very cheap prices, Maybe he can help you @ to distribute your oun stuff in Spain.e. WRITE HIM!!: GRIMA!HC, P.O. BOX 2530, 11080 CADIZ ee ever iri Tue van out 2 ATTENTION! Is. be careful Sola pr oun language plesan of =a Any wey: thany dealing with hs bloke named( Ab sheet we [rien thig. ( PARED kovarik. Sve lea plus stuff on. that he screwed th Next i SSUE wil EQ >) for the rotor Tons | : vee, ee coaller one 05‘ I NARREN oplct EP Ragin a bared called | want +o veduce : GENITAL DEFORM MEE will have quer who pare Slow heavy price +o 1. lly chit a tien coon (on cb?) [crust we'll have HEALTH RAZARD ) Apparerttl The copes were | FreEAK SHOW will have teil from the Vk. and FREAK ) held by ee customs because [ist TEP Soom plus 3 split EFF SHow fom Spain: Also, fm 2 OF the ~ indecent “coer: and oplit tapes, some Vy nil peeps? ane! move sh expecting lets of submi-C > will soon n lease. @ spt [+ |p very good band indeed. ssierts for next issye. Se, ( tive c-%D.L. ane ph. tose who prom DIS _ Algo TriBar ATTACK T thinle T cant piers : ods next issue because, | Sneiy comtri buctiong comp. is on the Way. Bards just eats uP a lot of spa your St stutt before pic. Send 1 Seng in your wantT can ] write some Japanse hardcore news.MCR company wil] be put couple of mA interesting © make. 3 3 stuff which are split 7”er of SENSELESS APOCALYPSE & shitty Australian bastards dassi fed RUPTURE, and a comp. 7"ep called Fina] Noise Attack with SEFIANCE,CONDEMNED, DESPAIR & & REASON WHY, I heard advance tape of both ep ’s,it was amazing-Overthrow rec. will he ads for y put 12”ep of DISCLOSE,COLLAPSE SOCIETY 7"ep & CHAQS CHANNEL T"ep soon.Ryuji D.1.Y. + vill be put Tokyo Crust comp.7"ep with BATTLE OF DISARH, ABRAHAM CROSS, COLLAPSE ring -SOCIETY § CLOCODILE SKINK,and re-press of split 7"ep of C.SKINK & NO SECURITY. Manabu get of of SENSELESS APOCALYPSE will be put a debut 7"ep of ICONOCLAST soon on his own label, OW, mn also I’]] put a comp. 7”ep with C.F.D.L,S.D.S,SARCASH & a more U.K band on my own = | thot label when I got enough money to make vinyl,and some of Qsaka’s punk/hardcore bands - will be making demos at the moment,I’m so happy to them,because we didn’t have rea] ve. tori D.1.¥.labels couple years ago,surely we had/have sone indie hardcore labels.but they’re not so D.I.¥.recently it’s getting better dayby day,and we got some new aca] ads! bands like MAD EGO.MIND SUCK, APOLOGY NATURE ARISE,and some of ny friends will start a pure punk rock band,they just need spikey hair guitarist,ha! /Takeshi U ZINE (AY DAWIEL):~ a 10" Seon on At HAZARD wil moors is @

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