Law 2

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Christopher S. Martiniano BSAct III INDUSTRIAL PARTNER Industrial Partner - contributes only his industry or personal service.


As to contribution

Capitalist Partner- Contributes money or property.

As to distribution of Profit

Industrial Partner - Share of industrial partner is not fixed as may be just and equitable under the circumstances; Industrial Partner - purely industrial partner not liable for losses Industrial Partner - Cannot engage in business (w/in same line of business with the partnership) unless partnership expressly permits him to do so. Industrial Partner - Shall receive such share before the capitalist partners shall divide the profits.

As to distribution of Loses

As to prohibition against engaging in business

Capitalist Partner According to agreement; if without agreement, share of capitalist partner is in proportion to his capital contribution. Capitalist Partner - According to agreement; if without agreement, share of capitalist partner is in proportion to his capital contribution. Capitalist Partner - cannot engage in business (with same kind of business with the partnership) for his own account, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.

As to preference in terms of distribution of profits

Capitalist Partner - Shall receive such share after the industrial partner/partners.

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