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STUDYBLUE | Flashcards | Final exam organism identication

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trichrome stained permanent smear, 18 micrometers Entamoeba histolytica (troph)

permanent stained smear, 15 micrometers Iodamoeba butschlii (troph)

trichrome stained permanent smear, 14 by 8 micrometers Giardia lamblia (troph)

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STUDYBLUE | Flashcards | Final exam organism identication

trichrome stain, 11 micrometers in diameter Dientamoeba fragilis (troph)

trichrome stain, 8 micrometers Entamoeba hartmanni (cyst)

trichrome stain of semi-formed stool, 14 by 8 micrometers Giardia lamblia (cyst)

thin blood smear Trypanasoma brucei (trypomastigotes)

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STUDYBLUE | Flashcards | Final exam organism identication

trichrome stain of formed stool sample, 7 by 4 micrometers Chilomastix msnili (cyst)

thin blood lm Plasmodium aciparum (gametocyte)

trichrome stained formed stool sample, 16 micrometers iodamoeba butschlii (cyst)

thin blood lm, ring forms seen in other elds only in retics Plasmodium vivax (schizont)

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STUDYBLUE | Flashcards | Final exam organism identication

stool wet prep viewed with 50x objective, 60 by 35 micrometers hookworm (egg

stool wet prep 50x, 50 by 20 micrometers Trichuris trichiura (egg)

stool wet-prep 50x, 32 micrometers Taenia sp. (egg)

watery stool sample containing visible blood, 70 by 40 micrometers Balantidium coli (troph)

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STUDYBLUE | Flashcards | Final exam organism identication

formed stool sample, 160 by 65 micrometers Schistosoma mansoni (ova)

watery stool sample, modied acid fast stain, 5 micrometers Cryptosporidium parvum (oocyst)

stool sperm modied acid-fast stain, 27 by 15 micrometers Isospora belli (oocyst)

gram stain of vaginal smear, 16 by 9 Trichomonas vaginalis (trophozoite)

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STUDYBLUE | Flashcards | Final exam organism identication

formed stool trichrome stain, 8 micrometers Entamoeba coli (cyst)

stool sample stained with trichrome, 75 by 55 micrometers Schistosoma japonicum (ova)

diarrhea trichrome stain, 130 by 80 micrometers Fasciolid (egg)

sputum from patient with chronic cough and chest pain, 100 by 55 micrometers Paragonimus westermani (ova) oriental lung uke

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STUDYBLUE | Flashcards | Final exam organism identication

scotch tape prep from perianal region, 55 by 25 micrometers Enterobius vermicularis (ova) pinworm

urine sediment, 125 by 55 micrometers Schistosoma haematobium (ova)

formed stool, 47 by 22 micrometers Tricuris trichiura (egg) whipworm

formed stool, 60 by 42 micrometers Ascaris lumbricoides (ova) roundworm

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STUDYBLUE | Flashcards | Final exam organism identication

stool from a patient with chronic abdominal pain, 32 micrometers Teania sp. (ova)

formed stool, 60 by 42 micrometers Diphyllobothrium latum (ova) broad sh tapeworm

formed stool, 30 by 45 micrometers Hymenolepis nana (ova) dwarf tapeworm

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