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D-Track Kindie News


Important Dates
Field Trip Thursday, March 29th

Words From the Teachers

Thank you so much for making student-led conferences a success. Your students really loved showing you what they have learned. If you have not done so, please return your childs field trip permission slip along with $5 as soon as possible. We are still looking for volunteers to chaperone the field trip. If you can come, we would love to have you!

Please let us know by calling the office if there is ever a change in the way you child goes home. We care very much about your childs safety.

Extra Practice
As your children are becoming better readers, they need to focus on the comprehending what they are reading. You can work on this with your student at home. When your child finishes reading a book, ask them the following questions: Start at the beginning and tell me what happened in the story. What was your favorite part? Why? What did this book make you think of? Why? Please make sure they are using the vocabulary from the book, calling the characters by name, and saying the events in order. These questions can also be asked after you watch a movie or TV show or after you read them a bedtime story.

We are learning!
Dr. Seuss Writing stories with a beginning, middle, and end Addition Opinion Writing Cause and Effect

Contact Information
Mrs. Gavrich 720-747-2236 Miss Moore 720-747-2235

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