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Spelling Matrix

Seven ways to be smart

I enjoy reading, writing & speaking

Blooms Taxonomy: Six Thinking Levels

Write out your spelling words 3 times each Look 3 of your words up in the dictionary and write down the page number you found it on Look through a newspaper to find any of your words

Write 3 of your words in meaningful sentences

List your spelling words in phoneme length Write down your words and insert syllables breaks with a dot Make a display on coloured paper to put up at home

Break your words up into graphemes and list in an acrostic poem How many points are your words worth if a graph=1, digraph-2, trigraph=3 and a *GCA is worth 10 Colour code your words consonants in blue and vowels in red Play charades with a classmate using your spelling words

Write a letter using as many of your spelling words as you can

What are your strengths in spelling?

I enjoy working with numbers & science

Write down how many syllables are in each of your words

I enjoy painting, drawing & visualising

Draw a picture for 3 of your spelling words

Design a new spelling list with the same focus

Is there a better way to learn spelling through our eyes? Write it and ask a classmate to complete it. Trace the difficult part of 3 words of a classmates back

I enjoy doing handson activities, sports & dance

Write your words in fancy writing

Say the phonemes in your words whilst pointing to them on your chart.

Get a skipping rope and skip as you spell your words in rhythm

Write our any prefixes of suffixes that you could add to your spelling words Make a song/poem with some of your words

I enjoy making & listening to music

Do the THRASS rap and tap

Tap your words out while spelling them in rhythm Speak to a friend using the words in meaningful sentences Say the words aloud and then think about what the words mean Share your Who am I? with someone else Discuss with a classmate what are the difficult parts of your words List the nouns and adjectives in your spelling words

Why do we remember songs?

I enjoy working with others

Ask a friend to test your on some of your words Put your words in Spelling City on the computer

Complete a vocabulary card with a classmate

I enjoy working by myself

Write a Who am I?

Ask a classmate which words they have had to work hard in to remember Choose your favourite word and write a paragraph explaining why

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