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Asking and Giving advise

Espaol Ingls Qu me aconsejas hacer? What do you advice me to do? Qu me recomiendas hacer? What do you recommend that I do? Qu debo hacer? What should I do? Puedes darme algn consejo? Can you give me any advice? Deberas + infinitivo You should... No debes + infinitivo You should not... Sera bueno + infinitivo It would be a good that... Te aconsejo + infinitivo I advise you to... Te recomiendo + infinitivo I recommend that you ...
Expressing: imaginary wishes Writing an article Negative prefixes Giving compliments Writing an article Negative prefixes Giving compliments Writing a report Connected speech Phrasal verbs with talk Mind you Fashion styles Comparative and superlative Modals verbs (1): obligation, necessity and advice; ability Communication Negative prefixes Word pronunciation

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