LV2 Prof Lighting

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Level 2 Proficiency: Basic Lighting

Learn how to take great portraits in our lighting studio. 1: View 3 point lighting as a class We will view this video together:

Step 1: Shooting

Set Up and Camera Settings: Grab 2 partners to help you shoot, hold reflectors and experiment SANDBAGS stay on the light stands TURN OFF OVERHEAD LIGHTS! USE TRIPOD IN PORTRAIT DIRECTION! Set your camera to P with NO FLASH White balance to TUNGSTEN (light bulb setting) ISO to 400 or 800 Composition: Shots should be PORTRAIT (up and down) Watch head roomshould be framed well Eyes opened, no squinting, flattering photograph Shadows should be minimal or absent from each shot Key light above subject at 45 degree angle down with 2 umbrella shots at 90 degrees in front of subject Shoot one example of each of the following situations (each partner takes 15 shots): 1. White Backdrop; Key, 2 Fills (Umbrellas) & Back Light 2. White Backdrop; Key, 2 Fills (Umbrellas) & Back Light with GOLD reflector 3. White Backdrop; Key, 2 Fills (Umbrellas) & Back Light with SILVER reflector 4. White Backdrop all lights use White Reflector as Diffusion in front of KEY 5. Gray Backdrop: Key, 2 Fills (Umbrellas) & Back Light 6. Gray Backdrop: Key, 2 Fills (Umbrellas) & Back Light with GOLD reflector 7. Gray Backdrop: Key, 2 Fills (Umbrellas) & Back Light with SILVER reflector 8. Gray Backdrop all lights use White Reflector as Diffusion in front of KEY 9. Brown Backdrop; Key, 2 Fills (Umbrellas) & Back Light 10. Brown Backdrop; Key, 2 Fills (Umbrellas) & Back Light with GOLD reflector 11. Brown Backdrop; Key, 2 Fills (Umbrellas) & Back Light with SILVER reflector 12. Brown Backdrop all lights use White Reflector as Diffusion in front of KEY 13. Your choice 14. Your choice 15. Your choice

Step 3: Grading

Put photos in order and batch rename photos and conference for grade.

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