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Constitution of the Liberties United

Written 3/3/2012 Ratified 3/14/2012

Liberties United was formed from the necessity of a need not obtainable from any other region. An elected Delegate and an elected Magistrate rule it. These humble beginnings will in return become a successful region with influence, honesty, and liberty. 1) Delegate a) Election i) The Delegate is voted on via endorsements of the particular country. These endorsements are obtained through the United Nations membership. b) Responsibilities i) The Delegate is the representative that is to vote for the region in the World Assembly in the United Nations. (1) Each decision must be made public through the declaration posted on the Regional Message Board. ii) As a figurehead of the nation, the Delegate is in a position to approve Embassies brought forth from other regions. 2) Magistrate a) Election i) The Magistrate is voted on at the start of every month. This election is to be executed by the founding father, Horizon Liberty. (see election) b) Responsibilities i) The Magistrate is the representative that is to vote for the region in the Security Council in the United Nations. (1) Each decision must be made public through the declaration posted on the Regional Message Board. 3) Staff

a) Appointment i) Appointment of the staff belongs only to the Magistrate and the Delegate to whoever they seem fit. b) Responsibilities i) The Staff members responsibilities are under the discretion of the Magistrate or Delegate who has appointed them. 4) Elections a) Definition i) An election to happen a crucial decision about a policy or change to the Constitution is proposed where the nations of the Liberties United have a decision to make. b) Criteria i) A Magistrate, Delegate, or the founding father, Horizon Liberty, may initiate an election. c) Voting i) The Magistrate and the Delegate will each receive votes worth (1/5) of the population of the region. Each member of the region at the present time will be credited one (1) vote. ii) Each vote is to be telegrammed in game to the founding father, Horizon Liberty. He is then to make the results public and announce the outcome.

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