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A Study on Employees Job Enrichment

Personal Details (1-7): 1. Name: 2. Age: Below 20 3. Gender: Male 4. Salary: Below 5000 5000-10000 10000-15000 Above 15000 21-30 31-40 Above 40


5. Education Qualification: 10th 12th Diploma 6. Mobile Number: 7. Experience:


Post Graduate

Please indicate your level of Agreement or Disagreement with the following Statements by placing a tick mark in the relevant grid (Strongly Agree = SA, Agree = A, Neutral = N, Disagree = DA, Strongly Disagree = SDA). S.NO 8. 9. 10. Statements I have the skills and abilities to do more jobs Motivation is important to do the vertically loaded jobs The amount of the work I am expected to do on my job is reasonable for me and to the company My department has good priorities and direction for employees I have adequate information and knowledge which enables me to do my jobs well Opportunity is given in the company to use my variety of skills Opportunity is given in the company to complete my entire task which I can do by own SA A N DA SDA






I am confident of my ability to do my job and enriched job I am self-assured about my capabilities to perform my work and enriched work I have mastered in the skills which necessary for my job and also to do other jobs I can decide on my own about how to do my work





I have considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how to do my own job I have significant autonomy in determining how to do my own job If job enrichment is made, I can be more effective




I have more technical/ behavioral skills to contribute more to the company Job enrichment increases level of skill flexibility


24. Considering everything, how far you satisfied with your job? Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

25. Do you think that job enrichment has a good effect on skill improvement of employees? Yes, Majorly Yes, Quite a bit Not Really Not at all

26. Whether you can use your variety of skills to increase the production of the company? Yes, Majorly Yes, Quite a bit Not Really Not at all

27. Rank the department you would like to enrich your job Production Marketing Finance Human Resource Packing Selling 28. Rank the Techniques you need in job enrichment Change in nature of work Change in department of work To work with new team More work with less manpower 29. Rank the Monetary Rewards you need Salary Wage Incentives Commission Paid leave 30. Rank the Non Monetary Rewards you need Recognition Praise Feedback Fulfilling Work Achievements Responsibility Autonomy Influence Personal Growth 31. If your enriched job takes extra time than working hours to complete your task will you like to do it? Yes No

32. If yes how many hours you like to work? One Hour Two Hours Three Hours Above Three Hours Not at all

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