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Features of GD

Purpose Planning Participation Free Communication Leadership

Types of GD
Topic Based-1.Knowledge intensive, 2. Non Knowledge intensive,3. Abstractexample based discussion Case Study Group Task-for specific objective

Qualities looked for in GD

Leadership-taking initiative, ability to give direction, taking the group along, even distribution, listening, goal fulfillment Knowledge of sub. Matter Use of analytical ability Clarity of thought Conviction flexibility


Dos Keep eye contact Initiate GD Allow others to speak Speak clearly Bring discussion to track Positive attitude Speak sensibly Listen Be short & simple Formal dressing

Donts Being aggressive Blocking Self confessing Competing Seeking sympathy Special pleading Horsing around Withdrawing Speak loudly Adopt a negative stance Negative gestures

Interview: View/ sight between-two person conversation with a predetermined purpose

Types of Interview Placement interview Screening, Panel, Selection Disciplinary Appraisal Promotion Problem Annual or periodical Exit

Interview preparation for candidate before interview

Find someone to role play with you Appearance Prepare at least 100 questions Prepare resume Keep extra copies of resume Punctual Get the information of the company/ profile

During interview
Make good impression Get information u need Eye contact Facial expression Posture Gestures space

After interview
Say thanks Follow up Chin up

Guidelines for the interviewer

Before-aim, information, setting, structure During-put interviewee at ease Use open questions Sum up with response

Qualities of interviewer Interest in the applicant Alertness Patience Deliberation concentration

The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV) are the length, what is included and what each is used for. A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. While a resume is brief and concise - no more than a page or two, a Curriculum Vitae is a longer (at least two page) and more detailed synopsis. A Curriculum Vitae includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details. In Europe, the Middle East, Africa, or Asia, employers may expect to receive a curriculum vitae.

CV Name Address Telephone Nationality Date of Birth

Working Experience Education Qualification

Additional Information Referees Date Signature

Letter of Appointment

Dear sir, Thank you for attending the recent interview.I am pleased to offer you this post commencing on Monday, Aug 10, 2011. Complete details of the post are shown on the attached job description. The terms and conditions of employment will be as laid down in our contract of employment which is enclosed. Please let me have written confirmation of your acceptance of this post as soon as possible. I look forward to welcoming you to the staff to Air India. Thanks Yours sincerely

Information Technology

E-mail Fax Telephone Internet Teleconference Answering machine Computer copier

Positive impact of technology

Shortening the distance Streamlining of organizational structure Time saving Access to more information Enhanced implementation Increased teamwork Increased scope

Negative impact of technology

Information overload Less time for organisational activities Blurring lines between business lives and personal lives People isolaton

Role of IT

Communication much faster Cost reduced Variety of communication Distance is minimised Accessibility All data can travel trough wires Smooth interaction Reduced barriers to communication

Intranet-internal information over the local area network

Advantage Workforce productivity Time Communication Business operations and management Cost effective Promote common corporate culture Enhance collaboration

Advantage Sending and receiving Information stored Newspaper, magazine, newsletters etc. Having access to libraries Download softwares E-banking

E-mail-sending message via internet

Elements Sender Mail agent Message Mail transport Recipient Repientsmail agent E mail address

Guidelines for writing effective email

Write a meaningful subject line Keep the message focused & readable-use standard capitalization; skip lines between paragraphs; avoid fancy typefaces; do not type in all-caps(shouting) Avoid attachments-carriers of virus, take time to download, take up needless space, do not always translate correctly, at times attachment does not show up

Guidelines for writing effective email

Identify yourself clearly Be kind, do not flame Proofreading Do not assume privacy Distinguish between formal & informal communication Respond promptly Show respect

Advantages of e-mail
Managing e-mail is easy Email is fast Inexpensive Easy to filter Transmission is secure and reliable In contact

Limitations of e-mail

Does not guarantee secrecy Message may be taken less seriously than manual business letters No surety of response/reply Less space on e-mail screen If system is down message is not delivered Likely to make errors in drafting Sometimes results in junk mail/ spam

Respond to e-mail message in a timely manner Provided clearly worded subject lines Use shorter words & shorter paragraphs Be complete & concise Use upper & lower case letters, avoid all case Use text editors & spell checkers Use jargons carefully-consider readers background Avoid inappropriate & offensive language Avoid flaming Avoid sending or responding junk mail


Avoid attaching many attachments Avoid using symbols of emotions Always provide a personal name withyour e mail Id Include subject line in message Do not type your message in all upper case

Mobile/ Cellular Phones

Advantages Accessibility Commonness To confirm & check details E-mail messaging

Disadvantages of Cellular Phones

Difficult to send message if mb is switch off Expensive Damage your year Limiting your connectivity if reception is poor Use of bluetooth and camera in bad ways Use of mb while driving dangerous

Short message Services(SMS)

Benefits Guaranteed message delivery Reliable and cost effective communication device Delivery of message to multiple subscribers Ability to receive diverse information Convenient to use Seamless integration with other data and internet based applications

Tele-Conference meeting or conference held via a telephone or network connection

Types Audio conferencing-done by telephone Computer video

Advantages of telecommunication

Reduce cost of group meeting Allow to participate in worldwide meeting without actually leaving their office Greater Communication & coordination between branches and worksites Meeting is flexible as participants can join the conference whenever it is necessary Conference can be scheduled minutes or hours of meeting instead of days or weeks

Disadvantages of telecommunication
Occurance of technical failure Difficult for complex interpersonal communicationsuch as negotiation or bargaining Less easy to create an atmosphere of group rapport or socializing Lack of meeting skills

Remedy to minimize problems of telecommunication

Users should carefully evaluate their meeting needs and goals to determine if teleconferencing is appropriate Users should assess their audience. Consider the size of the group, their level of experience with telecommunication, and the extent of their familiarity with each other

Video conferencing

Essentials Speech becomes the significance carrier of the message Ideas demands tight organisation Non verbal appearance will support or hinder your credibility Visual aids must be brief and clear to the distant viewers Mention your name more often in the beginning

Applications of Video conferencing

Remote schools Getting medical opinion from distant specialist Talking to someone immediately without leaving workplace Meet a friend to discuss your immediate problem Show a buyer the latest product Hold up a little boy to meet up his grandparenrs Saves the cost of long distance phone call

Advantages of Video conferencing

Saves time Saves money Increase productivity Makes easier for business to access outside experts Helps employees to learn the basics of presentation skills and research Improves effectiveness

oral communication

Characteristics Speakers personality Know your audience Speech preparation Art of speaking-invention, arrangement, style, memory & delivery Voice modulation, pause and punches Listeners participation Summarizing and conclusion Great delivery Speaking without hurting

Principles of successful oral communication

Brevity Clarity Choosing precise words Clichs-a phrase which is used often and has no meaning Sequences avoid jargon Avoid verbosity 7 cs Avoid Ornamental language

Significance of oral comm.

To help problem solving To resolve conflict To influence people to work together To persuade others to be involved in organizational goals To be assertive without being aggressive To develop listening To be an effective negotiator To make a proposal

Forms of oral comm

Informal face to face talk Interviews Group communication- debate, meetings, conferences Speeches and presentations

Advantages of oral communication

Feedback Healthy climate Time saving Effective tool of persuasion Effective interaction Economical Ample scope

Disadvantages of oral communication

Unsatisfactory conclusion Attitude Cannot be retained Lack of legal validity Misunderstanding Length Difficulty in assigning responsibility

Good listener Do not interrupt, Remain patient Make eye contact Show interest Look attentive Concentrate Ask open questions Opportunizes: asks-what is in it for me Judges contents, skips over delivery errors, Takes fewer notes Avoid distractions Interprets emotional words, donot hung upon them

Good and poor listener

Poor listener Over talkative Inattentive Interrupt & argue Impatient to talk Yes but.. Approach Very critical Poor concentration Distracted easily Reacts to emotional words Takes extensive notes Shows no energy output

Principles of good listening

Listen patiently Understand speakers feeling Restatement and summary Time for discussion Avoid expressing views Less explanation rapport

Process of listening
Hearing Filtering Interpreting Responding remembering

Approaches to listening
Discriminative Comprehensive Critical Active

Advantages of listening

Leads to positive attitude Permits the speaker and listeners to improve communication Indicate by feedback to the speaker that listeners are interested Helps listeners obtain useful information on topics to make accurate decision Create better understanding with others Help to share & solve problem

Barriers in listening

Psychological ear muffs Distraction of minds Lack of motivation Emotional screen Jumbled or mumbled words Self evaluation More thinking than listening Molologing attitude Listening defensively Noise Entering into argument

Guidelines for effective listening

Eye contact Bodily exhibition Ask questions Avoid distracting actions or gestures Paraphrasing Avoid interpreting speaker Do not overtake Put the speaker at ease Listen patiently Avoid premature arguments Stay objective

Remove distractions Indicate acceptance Hold your temper Respect pauses or silences Redirect a direct question Be honest with answer Listen between the lines Listening habits Listening at personal risk Listen to total meaning Observe non verbal cues Avoid fake attention No personal bias

Non verbal communication-word less communication

Characteristics Primarily communicate emotions & attitudes Substitute for contradict, emphasize or regulate verbal message Often ambiguous Continuous More reliable Culture bound Strongly related to verbal communication

Importance of Non verbal communication

For conveying data related to geography, maps, charts, graphs Traffic signs & signals Quick response to colours pictures & sounds To convey important information to illiterate people

Problems of studying Non verbal communication

Ambiguous Continuous Multichannel Culture bound uncontrollable

Components of Non verbal communication

Kinesics-facial expression, posture and gesture Oculesics-eye contact Haptics-communication of touch Proximics-communication of space & proximity Appearance and artifacts-attire, accessoriesperfume, make up, jewellery Paralinguistic-variation in pitch, speed, volume pauses that convey meaning chronemics

Components of paralanguage
Voice quality- volume, vocal tune, rate of speech, voice pitch, rhythm, pronunciation, enunciation Voice qualifier Vocal characteristics Vocal segregates/ fillers articullation

Kinesics- body language

Elements Gestures Facial expressions Postures Dress code

Effective use of body language

Mind the body talk Be careful with handshake Establish good eye contact Communicate at the level of person before you We must be ourselves Graceful movements and confident posture improve the atmosphere at the workplace

Advantages of body language

Helps the receiver in decoding of message Complements verbal communication Adds intensity to process of communication Imprves the atmosphere and looks of organisation

Limitations of body language

Can not be wholly relied on Liable to be misinterpreted in different cultural background Becomes ineffective if listener is inattentive Not effective in large gathering

Improving non verbal communication skill

Eye contact Body position Distance Gestural Facial expression Practice makes perfect

Written communication
Purpose of writing To inform To persuade

Principles of effective writing

Place the reader first Keep to the point Set the right tone Write a strong opening Write a strong tone

Basics of business writing

Purposeful Economical Reader oriented

Advantages of written communication

Issuing orders Can not be distorted Clear and specific Response Record can be kept

Disadvantages of written communication

Expensive Formal Amendments are not possible Misunderstood feedback

Comparison of oral & written communication

basis expression oral Communication is expressed through spoken words Takes less time May not be precise May not be complete, may be difficult to understand Generally informal May not be verifiable written Communication is expressed in written words Takes more time Can be very precise Not difficult to understand if expressed unambiguously

time length completeness

Formal Verification

Generally taken seriously It is verifiable from the records

Writing technique
Adaptation-visualize receiver Care in word choice-use familiar, simple, short, non technical words, strong, concrete words Favour active over passive voice Avoid masculine words

Thesaurus-dictionary of synonyms
Role of it Find more effective & interesting words To avoid repeating the same words Avoid clichs (overused expressions) To recall the word that is on the tip of your toungue To find the word suits your type of writing

Writing effective sentences

1.Emphasis on short sentences 2.Economizing on wordsAvoid cluttering phrases-eg. The invoice was in the amount of Rs.50,000. The invoice was for Rs.50,000. At the present-now In view of the fact that-since, because

Writing effective sentences

Surplus words Eg. He ordered desks that are of executive type. He ordered executive type desks.

Writing effective sentences

Avoid round about construction Eg. He criticized everyone he came in contact with. He criticized everyone he met. Avoid unnecessary repetition eg. Modern, up-to-date equipment will be used. Modern equipment will be used.

Writing effective sentences

3. Determining emphasis in sentence design 4. Giving the sentence unity-put unrelated ideas in separate sentences; adding words that show relationship 5. Arranging sentences for clarity 6. Use of puntuation

Developing logical paragraph

Giving the paragraph unity Keeping the paragraph short Putting topic sentences to good use Omitting unnecessary details Making the paragraph move forward

Electronic writing process

To identify, search, record, organize, modify relevant data To write, edit and revise document

Writing using a computer

Note taking Searching Word polishing-add dictionary, grammar & spelling checking Outlining Changing defaults Using multiscreens Searching and replacing Linking Adding footnotes or endnotes Using emails Desktop publishing-design n prepare camera-ready copy

Presentation skills- To help the audience to do something, to introduce, to inform, to persuade

Elements of presentation presenter specific content audience

How to make presentation effective

Audience analysis-who, why, their background, how many, their attitude, outcome of presentation Locale Personal appearance Visual aids Organization of presentation-chronological, problemcause-solution, pro-con, 1-2-3 Language and words Quality of voice Body language Answering questions

Types of Visual aids

Handouts Tables Graphs Chalkboard & whiteboard Flip charts Sliders Computers Videotapes, audio, film clips Over head projector 35 mm slider LCD projector Modals and physical objects

Appearance & Posture

Group Communication
People must interact with each other Must be psychologically aware of one other People must perceive themselves to be a group

Characteristics of Group
Social interaction Stable structure Common interest Perceive themselves as apart of a group

Factors affecting Group Communication

Size Longevity Leadership Perception and self respect status

Roles people play in a group

Self oriented goals Controlling Withdrawing Attention seeking Diverting

Roles people play in a group

Group maintenance roles Encouraging Harmonizing Compromising

Roles people play in a group

Task-facilitating roles Initiating Information giving or seeking Coordinating Procedure setting

Importance of group communication

Wide knowledge Diversity of views Acceptance Legitimicy

MeetingPoints for successful meeting Clearly define the purpose of meeting Distribute the agenda among members Provide all the facts Restrict the number of invitees

Objective of meeting

To convey information to the members To gather information from the members To exchange ideas and experience among the members To brief members on plan, working and performance and to instruct members To discuss problems and issues of common interest To persuade members to accept changes To resolve conflicts and confusions To take decisions of matters affecting the group or the organization To generate a positive attitude among the participants

Types of Meeting
Formal Annual General Meeting Board Informal Departmental Working Parties

Planning Meeting
What is the objective of the meeting Participants Timing and venue of meetings What materials, equipments, refreshments and room layout will be required for the meeting

Leading meetings
Starting of time Opening remarks Getting to business Participation Agenda closing

Techniques for conducting meeting

Plan the meeting Follow the plan Move the discussion along Control those who talk too much Encourage participation from those who talk too little Control time Summarize at appropriate places

Techniques for participating in a meeting

Follow the agenda Participate Avoid talking too much Co-operate Be courteous

Notice for the meeting

Gives details of the type, place, day, date and the time of the meeting


List of topics to be discussed at the meeting

Notice for Meeting company name and committee name A meeting of the Sports and Social Club will be held in the Conference Hall on Friday, May 14, 2011 at 18:00. Agenda 1) apologies for absence 2) minutes of last meeting 3) matters arising 4) chairmans report 5) football results and matches 6) new keep-fit classes 7) purchase of tennis equipment 8) annual dinner 9) any other business 10 date of next meeting Secretary May 7, 2011

Minutes of Meetings

The official records of discussions held and decisions taken at a meeting

The main points of discussions The conclusion reached The recommendations meet Tasks assigned to individual members and groups

Items included in minutes

Name of the organisation Date, time and place of meeting Number of the meeting if it is in series Name of the chairman of the meeting Names of the members present/absent Names of those who attended by special invitation Record of transactions

Kinds of minutes
Minutes of resolution-only decisions and resolutions Minutes of narration-brief discussion and circumstances leading to the resolutions Verbatime minutes-record word by wordprimarily in courts

Principles of writing minutes

Clearly state the nature of the meeting in the beginning Mention the date, time and place of meeting The names of persons present/absent Each minute should have serial no., appropriate index, heading to facilitate Language should be clear and concise Should contain reference of feelings and emotions expressed by any member Tone should be impersonal Notes of the meeting should be recorded during the meeting Minutes should be verified, approved or modified in subsequent meeting.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Dhawan Fertilizer Limited S.C.O. 14, Sector 17E, Chandigarh
The minutes of the 10th Annual General Meeting of the company held at the registered office SCO 14, Sector 17E, Chandigarh on Saturday, June 21, 2011 at 3:00 pm. Present Mr. Ashok Dhawan Chairman Mr. Rahul Dhawan Director Mr. Rajan Chadha Director Mr.Vishal Thukral Director
Other 125 members were present as shown in the attendance register. In attendance 1) Mr. Puneet Sharma Secretary 2) Mr. B.S. Mann Advocate 3) Mr. Atul Ahuja Auditor

1 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Subject of the minute

Notice of the meeting Auditors report

Details of the minutes

The secretary read the notice dt. May 24, 2011 conveying the meeting The secretary read the auditors report on annual accounts and balance sheet. It was approved.

The chairmans speech The chairman in his speech told about companys progress and plans of the future Directors report Dividend Retirement by rotation Appointment of Auditor Mr. Rahul moved and Mr. Rajan recorded the motion on Directors report. It was approved. It was unanimously resolved that 10% dividend on the paid up equity share capital be declared for the year ending march 2012 Mr. N.K.Joshi who retires by rotation is unanimously re-elected as a director. It was resolved that Mr. Atul Ahuja Chartered Accountant be appointment as Auditor of the company for the year 2011-12 with a remuneration of Rs. 25,000 per annum.


Vote of thanks
Termination of meeting

Mr. Rohit Taneja proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman and chairman suitably replied to it.
The chairman declared the meeting as terminated


Puneet Sharma

Ashok Dhawan

Notice in organization
Purpose Announce social events Inform staff of new interest Advertise posts for internal appointment Remind staff of company procedure


A seminars is a meeting for exchanging information and holding discussions on a somewhat smaller scale than a conference. It is a form of academic instruction, either at a university or offered by a commercial or professional organization.

Purpose of seminar

To get the students to present material orally and visually. To get the students to lead the discussion To expand on material introduced in large lectures but to reach more depth To encourage the students to take part in a discussion and express their own point of view To engage in more formal debate Set the students problems to be solved Ask the students to undertake case study work Involve the students in either group or teamwork
Ask the students to undertake peer assessment of each others work

Use a role play excercise

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