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The Weekly quiz 1.

"Courage is a special kind of knowledge; the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to be feared." - David Ben-Gurion

q1. id.
which indian has been felicitated with the National Medals of Arts and Humanities Award by United States President Barack Obama?

he served as the first secretary of the communist party of cuba from 1961-2011.. politically a marxist leninist .. he also won over the bay of pigs invasion . who?

q3.put funda.
the car company's manufacturers had said " we have manfucatured our greatest engine but we can't ride on it" which company due to what reason? x and y.
in 1886 german engineer x patented his first car,the car had electric ignition,three wheels , differential gears and was water 1826 the company merged with y to become the leading car and truck manufacturers in the world ?

Why nobel isn't awarded for mathematics?


q7.Id the personality

as a young man ,x was a journalist covering parliament for the morning 1933 he began write under pseudonym boz. together they were known as sketches of boz. who?

this person believed "that the only path that would lead to an Allied victory lay in the merging of France and Britain's war efforts and he reflected on a concept that would coordinate war resources " hence he advised robert schuman to form x . id x and the person!

meaning 4 members in a family...chatrunga in sanskrit ... it had its birth place in india . what? pls post your answers ! answers ll be revealed the next week!

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