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How to import Accumap tops from XLS File into Petra (by H.

Martinez) Abstract: Some times there is a need to transfer Accumap only well tops from a set of wells within a region to a Petra geological database, unfortunately this exported tops from Accumap are exported only in TVD, so these tops has to be imported one by one on a specific columnar CSV file; however the process can be less painful by the use of the procedure that is described on this document. This process will re-mapped the UWI as per a master XLS spread sheet for the Flat Lake project. Main Input files: Master wells list: 2009Flat Lakemasterlist.xls o Sheet Name: Accu-Inventory-X Accumap exported only tops XLS file. o Sheet Name: As per the user. The Exported file tops from Accumap looks like

However if any filtering is applied in order to extract a particular top or tops, then it should looks like the below snapshots in order for the script to read the XLS file and reformat the data.

First, notice that the extracted/filtered document does not have header as part of the columns identification. Second the C column refers to KB (not used; however optional). Third this file may contain more than one top, so the top name in column D may change as per number of filtered tops. The Script will then create a separate file per every top. This is necessary due to the fact that Petra cant bring many tops in one file when tops depth are in TVD. Consider this a limitation from Accumap and Petra at the same time. Due to it, expect to find the same number of output CSV files from the script as per number of tops. Fourth, Column F corresponds to TVD depths. Fifth, the G column will hold the MD values if available (not used; however optional). Lastly, the H column refers to the TVDSS.

Script Process: 1. Change to the below directory, G:\Development & Operations\Reservoir\99 Scripts\TAQA Scripts And temporary copy the script named, Accu-XLS-Tops2Petra.exe into a directory where your XLS Accumap files are saved, also into the same directory copy the master spreadsheet that you will use to re-map the UWI. 2. Within the directory where you copied the script press double clicks on it. The below window will show up.

From the list find and read the number that belongs to the master spreadsheet. (i.e. 4) then press enter. Do the same for the Accumap XLS well tops file by typing, file number besides the filename, (i.e.1 or 2). Then press enter. Now, the below sequence will be displayed,

Choose the Master spreadsheet that holds the main UWI that are the base for the UWI remapping, (i.e. 3). Now select the sheet number that holds the Accumap exported tops, (i.e. 2)

From the selected spreadsheet it is important to know the column ranges that holds the data to be imported into Petra, then provide the proper column letters (i.e. A and H) press enter,

Look for the filename with Petra word as part of the file name on your working directory.

Importing TVD exported tops from Accumap into Petra. 1. Launch your Petra and open your project. Select the below options,

Then the import window will open 1. Press click on Open file 2. Select the Petra.csv output file from the script. 3. Open the file. The press click on Data Format tab.

1. Over the Data format Tab make sure,

2. Make sure the UWI field is selected from the first column as the file is comma delimited. This field can be added, deleted or updated by +, _, . Make sure the UWI is selected from The Well Header and Misc section. 3. From Tops and Zone Tables section make sure the selected top is the same as the file top name. 4. Selecting the Depths in TVD select the Field 5 and added to the Field definitions by using the +, _, icons.

Press, click on Locations tab and make sure the options are set as the window below.

After it press click on OK button. Confirmation window will pop-up. Press click in Ok and let it run. After the process finished close any window behind and check your imported TVD tops. Repeat the previous process for every generated file from the script. Questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Hugo A.

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