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MMC6402 Brand Management Reading List Brand Knowledge, awareness (consumer behavior theories) 1.

7-3 The Moderating Effect of Product Knowledge on the Learning and Organization of Product Information 2. 7-6 Effects of Brand Awareness on Choice 3. 7-8 When Weaker Brands Prevail 4. 7-11 Consumer Information Search Revisited Brand Personality 5. 10-1 Dimensions of Brand Personality 6. 10-4 The Effects of Brand Relationship Norm 7. 10-5 Do Brand Personality Scale Really Measure 8. 10-6 Brand Personality: How to Make the Metaphor Fit 9. 10-11 The Effect of Brand Personality and ID 10. 10-14 Extending Human Personality to Brands Brand Association 11. 2-5 You Are What They Eat: The Influence of Reference Groups on Consumers Connections to Brands 12. 2-16 Investigating the Effectiveness of Product Placements in Television Shows: The Role of Modality and Plot Connection Congruence on Brand Memory and Attitude 13. 2-19 The brand association base: A conceptual model for strategically leveraging partner brand equity 14. 5-19 Understanding core brand equity: guidelines for in-depth elicitation of brand associations 15. 017 The measurement and dimensionality of brand associations Corporate Branding 16. 14-2 The Bottom-Line Impact of Corporate Brand Investment 17. 14-4 Corporate branding for small to medium-sized businessesA missed opportunity or an indulgence? 18. 14-5 How Is Manifest Branding Strategy Related to the Intangible Value of a Corporation? 19. 14-6 Managing Corporate Identity: An Internal Perspective Brand Extension 20. 6-1 The Effects of Brand Extension on the Family Brand Name 21. 6-2 Reciprocal Spillover Effects: A Strategic Benefit of Brand Extensions 22. 6-5 Licensed extensionsStretching to communicate 23. 6-6 The impact of parent brand attribute associations and affect on brand extension evaluation 24. 6-7 On the development of brand and line extensions 25. 6-8 Do We Really Know How Consumers Evaluate Brand Extensions 26. 6-10 Communication Strategy for Brand Extensions 27. 6-14 Consumer attitude toward brand extensions: an integrative model and research propositions 28. 6-15 The Effect of Brand Portfolio Characteristics 29. 6-24 Consumer Evaluation of Vertical Brand Extensions 30. 6-44 Sequential brand extensions and brand choice behavior 31. 6-46 Ad spending on brand extensions: Does similarity matter? 32. 037 Evaluating the Brand Extension Decision Using a Model of Reputation Building 33. 039 Vertical brand extensions: current research and managerial implications 34. 044 Brand development versus new product development: toward a process model of extension decisions

Brand Equity/Brand Valuation 35. 5-2 Revenue Premium as an Outcome Measure of Brand Equity 36. 5-4 The Reciprocal Effects of Brand Equity and Trivial Attributes 37. 5-10 The marketing advantages of strong brands 38. 5-11 Using Consumer Attitudes to Value Brands: Evaluation of the Financial Value of Brands 39. 5-15 Sales promotions effects on consumer based brand equity 40. 005 Measuring brand power: validating a model for optimizing brand equity 41. 012 A conceptual study on brand valuation 42. 013 Evaluation of brand equity measures: further empirical results 43. 043 Brand assessment: a key element of marketing strategy 44. 057 Brand equity valuation: a global perspective Service and Media Brands 45. 22-1 Perceptions of Branding Among TV Station Managers 46. 22-2 PBS Brand vs. Cable Brands 47. 22-3 Separate and joint effects of medium type on consumer responses: a comparison of television, print, and the Internet 48. 22-5 The Influence of Network Branding on Audience Affinity for Network Television 49. 002 Issues and challenges in the positioning of service brands: a review Ingredient Branding and Industrial Brands 50. 19-1 The Effects of Ingredient Branding Strategies on Host Brand Extendibility 51. 18-1 The power of emotion: Brand communication in business-to-business markets 52. 18-2 Successful branding of a commodity product: The case of RAEX LASER steel 53. 18-3 Branding importance in business-to-business markets Three buyer clusters 54. 18-4 Brand strategy frameworks for diversified companies and partnerships 55. 18-5 A roadmap for branding in industrial markets 56. 022 Improving competitive position using branded ingredients Country/City Brands 57. 15-2 Country-of-Origin and Brand Effects 58. 15-3 The differences between branding a country, a region and a city: Applying the Brand Box Model 59. 15-6 A Country: Can it be Repositioned 60. 15-9 Cultural Variations in COO 61. 15-12 Location Branding 62. 15-18 Country as Brand 63. 15-30 The Impact of Technological Complexity 64. 006 Product entry in international markets: the effect of country of-origin on first-mover advantage Generic Brands/Pricing and Branding 65. 16-3 The Influence of Generic Advertising on Brand Preferences 66. 16-11 The Evolution of Generic Brands 67. 23-3 Price and Brand Name as Indicators of Quality Dimensions for Consumer Durables 68. 23-4 Assessing the Impact of a Very Successful Price Promotion 69. 048 Perceptions of generic products: a macro and micro view Brand Alliances/Co-Branding 70. 1-2 Modeling the Role of Brand Alliances in the Assimilation of Product Evaluations 71. 1-8 Building Brands through Brand Alliances: Does a Second Ally Help? 72. 1-9 Brand Alliance and Customer-Based Brand-Equity Effects 73. 13-3 2 + 2 = 5? A framework for using co-branding to leverage a brand 74. 018 Strategic brand alliances: implications of ingredient branding for national and private label brands

Brands Over Time and Geographical Boundaries 75. 5-3 Why Brands Grow 76. 20-1 Relationship Between Culture and Communication 77. 20-4 The National Image of Global Brands 78. 20-9 Identifying Brand Image Dimensionality and Measuring the Degree of Brand Globalization: A Cross-National Study 79. 20-10 Measuring Global Brand Equity Using Cross-National Survey Data 80. 20-15 Global Corporate Brand Building 81. 20-23 Real Differences Between Local and International Brands: Strategic Implications for International Marketers 82. 20-24 How perceived brand globalness creates brand value 83. 058 Standardization vs globalization: a new perspective of brand strategies Internet/Online Branding 84. 21-1 Relationship marketing and brand involvement of professionals through webenhanced brand communities: the case of Coloplast 85. 21-3 Studies of the Characteristics of Brand Names used in the Marketing of Information products 86. 21-4 Assessing the Impact of the Internet on Brands 87. 21-5 Offline Rules Online Tools 88. 21-6 Succeeding with Brands on the Internet 89. 21-8 Factors influencing consumer perceptions of brand trust online 90. 21-10 Online Branding 91. 21-11 Branding matters more on the Internet 92. 21-14 Drivers of intention to revisit the websites of well-known companies: The role of corporate brand loyalty 93. 21-15 The Internet as information minefield An analysis of the source and content of brand information yielded by net searches 94. 008 Internet shopping, consumer search and product branding 95. eBranding Brand Building/Marketing Programs/Advertising/Sales Promotion/Brand Elements 96. 004 Strategies for building consumer brand preference 97. 009 The effects of promotional activities on brand decision in the cellular telephone industry 98. 010 The role of the brand name in obtaining differential advantages 99. 016 Advertising vs sales promotion: a brand management perspective 100. 074 Some effects of changes in brand management systems: issues and implications 101. 014 A brand for all seasons? A discussion of brand loyalty approaches and their applicability for different markets 102. 024 Strategies for building consumer brand preference 103. 035 The role of advertising in brand image development 104. 050 Integrated brand building using brand taxonomies 105. 056 How advertising slogans can prime evaluations of brand extensions: further empirical results 106. 063 The theory of reasoned action applied to brand loyalty 107. 064 An investigation of consumer reactions to the use of different brand names 108. 068 Moving beyond fit: the role of brand portfolio characteristics in consumer evaluations of brand reliability

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