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By Reagan n

I chose Alexander Graham Bell because I like making things- he invented the telephone! He sounded interesting.

inventing the telephone inventing the iron lung made machine to find and pull bullets out of people
Making first airplane to fly over Canada


Graham Bell was born march 3,

1847. he was home-schooled his dad taught deaf mutes-that was what made Alex interested in transmitting speech at age 33 he was made professor taught music and speech at age 16 2 brothers

1872 made school for deaf kids immigrated here in1870

1909 made first airplane to fly over Canada

born march 3, 1847

helped invent iron lung died in 1922, august 2

both brothers died when he was in his teens others claimed they had invented the telephone people wouldnt patent it said it was preposterous

Alex hated how telephone calls interrupted his work Alex helped Hellen Keller learn to communicate he chose his middle name wasnt actually born in Canada

When was Alexander born? A. Jan 3,1846 B. Mar 3,1842 C. Mar 3,1847 The first telephone call was A. 1867 B. 1806 C. 1876 Did he A. immigrate here B. was born here C. parents immigrated

Did people say the telephone was A. Fantastic B. preposterous C. untrustworthy

I think Alexander Graham Bell is a good role model because when he didnt succeed he tried again and he was a hard worker. I can learn that if something doesn't work out I should try again.

Thank-you for listening to this fantastic presentation By

Reagan Van belle

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