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A compilation of the raw notes* from MTMLs March 7th, 2012 Forum Exploring Learner Pathways: Meeting at the LBS/ESL Intersections
*These are the direct notes from the tablecloths intended to trigger participants recollections of the dialogues that took place

Transitions Table: - Dialoguing on successful transitions

Literacy needs to be local Referrals We need an ESL/LINC/etc. referral system similar to LAN (in the LBS world) Status of person in Canada a hindrance Need to have a warm handover to other transitional places will lead to more success! # caps in childcare facilities causes limitation, hard to transition learners Co-location of classes & services (ex. Storefront model) **Regular/continuous dialogue between agencies/service providers Providing resources for/address need of the learner beyond the ESL/literacy class Use HR (hiring practices) to seek out practitioners with awareness/skills beyond just literacy and ESL Are our assessment reflecting our learners? no such thing as no progress Transitions to work limited by current job market! Computer literacy is critical GBC offers workshop on taking college entrance test Field trips to next step locations! Transitions to employment or post-secondary education can be blocked by many barriers, including o Immigration status o OW clawbacks o Loss of subsidized childcare Knowing the requirements i.e. whats required for college Look at PMP Action Centre as a case study for seamless transitions and integration between LBS/ESL/Academic Upgrading and other EO services Q: What are the common transitions points between LBS and ESL? Improve the quality of technology in the LBS programs. Also providing funding in the LBGS programs for more computers; which will allow for a more fulsome blended program Co-location Fewer barriers; less dependency on our programs; awareness of options to transition to; orientations to college; realistic goal setting; entrance test support/prep; iPads for everyone; computer/tech literacy

Low-level Literacy Learners Table: Dialoguing on a multiplicity of meanings

Barriers: trauma; war; health; racism; work; poverty; class Reading and working is over privileged A diagram of social attitudes as a scale On one side: reading and working Other side: confidence, learning, community

ESL Literacy: Few language skills in their language; maybe dont feel stigma as much Not about reading and writing well, but about testing well! (Vanessa Wong) **Placement and assessment is an issue as they are not sensitive to show the progress of low-literacy level as they progress very slowly Our definition of new literacy is changing (UNESCO 2004), but other measurement systems are still based on meaning only reading and writing as the sign of progress. Text-based learning versus learning about the world Pre-benchmark literacy: Need 1-1 volunteer tutors

ESL literacy inability to read and write in first language and English; or literate in a non-Roman alphabet ESL literacy low reading and writing skills in 1st language, so the goal is to move them into mainstream ESL; focus is on reading and writing and less emphasis on speaking and listening (that is done late in mainstream ESL) To combat attrition rates, positive encouragement and reinforcement, humour confirm/validate what they already know. Find out why theyre there. Provide context and meaning in the classes the lessons learned and can be applied to their daily lives. ESL literacy those who dont know how to read/write in English or speak ; Needed: a visual chart to show ESL; LINC; LBS and ESL literacy levels and how these overlap or dont overlap Rose couldnt write her name bright, resourceful, 40 years ESL highly educated can interpret world

Pathways/Profiles Table: Reflecting on common pathways and wrap-around services

Brain science Setting goals! - Aspirations versus goals Service coordination the intersection of LBS and ESL Point of Source! Assessors go to clients community organization Teachers who know students make referrals Not organized path Cant put everyone in a box Holistic approach pathway the wrong metaphor linear metaphor They go out and come back. ESL/LBS learners movement is not linear! Concurrent Learning*** - many different skills involved Partnerships e.g. LBS/AU; LBS/Adult Credit; LBS/ESL. Word literacy is misleading need a new language to describe what we do. Concurrent learning rather than linear; with partnership college Learner pathways are more cyclical; Go out, then regroup, try different pathway life unfolds Concurrent learning as opposed to one method of learning Life work and circumstances affect the path. Need list of programs that support learning disabilities. Shouldnt view the switching from ESL/LBS/ESL as negative - could be necessary. Practitioners lived experience does not alight with government expectations. LITERACY ADVOCACY GROUP. Ongoing evaluation needs, goal, determine path

Keeping up with Diversity/Diverse Needs Table: Reflecting on diversity and sharing promising practices/initiatives
Diversity includes behavior; mental health Teamwork at PTP is a system in place to address diversity. Co-operative learning projects which brings groups diversity together Flexibility partnerships There is a reason/reasons why someone is in LBS Tricky checkmarks impasse Engaging, relevant class work Training, support learning disabilities, mental health, medical conditions, drugs Redeeming qualities for education, motivation, progress: Seniors = stimulation? #s = job? OW no invitation of going to work = cheque? Motivators: lack of commitment; age Multiple barriers: OW client (social) Language Personal health/family Loss of work skills Timelines with new curriculum Motivation finance, self

Initiatives: Literacy group is catalyst to the learner for a one-stop wrap-around support/intervention and provide services/program Layers coordinated by literacy administrator/instructors etc. to client achieving goals

Needs of instructors and administrators: PD on how to handle diverse situations especially mental health/LD or of multi-barriers

Different flavours of diversity: Experience work, education Age Circumstances, experiences (life) Abilities, talents Inclusion and equity *** Mental health issues Economic/social Definition of Diversity: *** Issues Challenges Barriers Perspectives Regionally - influxes of immigrants

How to address the needs: Flexible Individualized/ customized to goals Pairing of interests, tasks, goals

Diversity of students: Goals Culture Ages Intelligences LDs

Information Sharing Table: Dialoguing about how to share information across the programs and with adult learners/clients
It is hard to keep up with changes in other programs Personal connections critical to information sharing People are most interested in program in their community, so learn as much as you can about what is available locally. Even though local program may not be best fit paradox of choice Too many acronyms! You dont have to be an expert (e.g. on apprenticeship) - know the basic principles How to help learners realize some goals arent realistic? 1 month reassess and re-orient

Effective Screening, Advising and Referral Table: Dialoguing on what it means to do a good job
Assessment can provide more clues and help send/redirect to the right program Phone versus verbal/face to face discussion would provide different feedback/ clues to make assessment/ recommendations - maybe better to send to a program This info (findings) needs to be shared with instructors maybe short training/recording sessions to help instructor learn/review this quickly Important to determine what a persons learning capabilities are. Referral services are very important to determine where the client may be at. Evaluation of client can be essential to determine next pathway. Equivalency of education; language skills Face to face interview more clues for better referral. Proper questions individual needs People receiving post-assessment referral are often nervous we need to be sensitive to this. Most college programs have articulation agreements allowing transition to degree programs in universities or college system. E.g. Accounting pathways exist to many CGA levels from college entrance. Who wants the math skills the person or does the sister think her sister needs math skills? Qualities of Information and Referral advisors: Current information, informed, asks appropriate questions, knowledgeable, ongoing support LBS assessor provides pre-credit program

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