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cantons HGI-IZ FEDERAL COURT BETWEEN: Pint JAMES CAMERON, TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION, DUNE ENTERTAINMENT IIILLC, INGENIOUS FILM PARTNERS LLP, INGENIOUS FILM PARTNERS 2 LLP, FUTURE SERVICE, INC, and LIGHTSTORM ENTERTAINMENT INC Defendants STATEMENT OF CLAIM TO THE D PENDANTS [A LEGAL. PROCEEDING HAS BEEN COMMENCED AGAINST YOU ty the Pati. The ls nae gains ou tn the lowing pages [F YOU WISH TO DEFEND THIS PROCEEDING, you o slistor ating fr you are required tw prepare statement of defence in Form 71 prescribed by the Federal Courts Rules sre it on tbe plants solicitor where the pain doe ot have sli, serve con the pli and ile with Proof of eve a aol ofc ofthis Court, WITHIN 30 DAYS afer this statement of lim is served Sno fou are served within Canad Ir you ace serve inthe United States of Ameria, the pio for serving an fling your taterment of defen fry days you are served ouside Canada and the United Sates of Amer, the period Tor Cops ofthe Federal Cou Rule information conceming the local ffces ofthe Cour and other neces formation may he obtained on request he Adminstrator of hs Court at Otawa (elephone (613-992-238) or at ny eal fice IF YOU FAIL TO DEFEND THIS PROCEEDING, jadgment may be given against you in your absence ad witou further tio t0 x08 MAR 01 2012 Ann ute: sued by ee eee ” Rin Ce ‘AMANDA DUNN Adiresofloctoffit: REGISTRY OFFICER brs Cnte AGENT DU GREFFE 701 West Geonga Stet James Cameron 5201 Retreat Ct Malibu, CA 90265 Usa ‘Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation 10201 West Pico Boulevard iforia 90035 Dune Entertainment If LLC S881 W, Charleston Blo Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA Ingenious Film Partners LLP 15 Golden Sa London, UK WiEIG Ingenious Film Partners 2 LLP. 12 New Feder Lane London, UK Future Service, Ine. Gio Staey Grossman 1211 Avenue ofthe Americas [New York, New York 1003 USA, Lightstorm Patertainment 910 Sania Modica Blvd Santa Monica, CA 90401 USA Lam 1. The plait aims {A declaration hat copyighe ssi in Terra ncogita defined erin and sh ‘copyright has ben ining by the Defendants by the Defendants substantially ‘epredicing adapting, policy presenting isbuing for sale, or inthe alternative !torizng such act bythe enematograpic work etiled Avtar, purseant ‘ectons 27 and 28 ofthe Copyrpi te RS.C. 1985 6.2 (he "AC From the Defendant Mr. James Camero a equitable tracing and dngogement of the process atributed to Mi- Cameron's Weel ative nto hisses, property ‘An intern, interlocutory and permanent injuction worsen he Defendants rom 4. Infinging the Panis copyright in Tera Ing, incading the Pht exclusive right reproduce Same i, Reproducing any of Tera Incognito any substantial part of any’ of Terra Incognita in any material form including Avatar or any soil 1 Asn, ‘except as expressly permite by the Act Ii. Authoring reprodetion of any of era net Avatar ay stantial prt of any of Terr Incognito Avatar i ay material orm, ‘herp as empresa permit bythe At 1s. Disituing nauthorad copie of any of Ten icon. wheter tbe in the publication of Avtar oreherwise. ‘The Pai’ lection of her the Pls damages anda digorgenent othe Defendans profits arsing from the Defendants infu acts akratvey. statuary damages Damages guns the Defendants James Cameron, Lighstom Fateainment ne and T sent Century Fox Film Corporation, joy ad several. fr spoliaton of evence a in parila al original documatsperaining tothe creation othe "ota scipanent ‘The Pani’ cots ofthis ation on solicitor mount be determined by this Honourable Cours tint basso aerate nan Prejidpment interest from te date any profits were made o the damage suered to the dato adement Post-Judment interest othe dat of payne Punitive and exemplary damages and Such further and ther relia to his Honourable Court seems jus

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