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Effective Interface with Workers/Employees as a Trade Union Leader

It is a great honor for me to speak at this interactive session on a very important topic as Effective Interface with workers/employees as a trade union leader.

One may agree with me that providence has presented us a democratic form of government in Nigeria but the effective interface among the stakeholders which in a saner clime is the best instrument for involvement of people at all levels is lacking in the context of Nigerian democracy.

Introduction contd.
The worst therefore is that the scenario discussed above is replicated at all levels of human endeavors in Nigeria. The anomaly can only be rectified through a symposia like this one. However, for the purpose of this gathering, we shall discuss issues such as: what, why and strategies of effective interface with employees as a trade union leader.

What is effective interface

Interface is a process of familiarization , interaction, building relationship, It is a point of interconnection between two entities. The concept also implies face-to-face encounters between individuals or social units representing different units and backed by different resources . However, identifying these interfaces and analyzing their effects shows how they are changed by everyday life, and how in return everyday life is changed by the interfaces.

Why interface
Reviewing development and formulate strategy Education/information/sensitization For quality performance High productivity Good conduct Problem-solving Planning and strategy Building effective relationship

Meetings and informal gatherings Effective Communication through letters, emails, web-sites, and other prints and electronic media

Peoples involvement at every stage of organizational development is crucial in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. Suffice it to say that everybody is indispensable in an organization, no matter how highly or lowly placed. Therefore, effective interface with workers/employees by the employers and trade union leaders becomes a viable instrument for curbing industrial conflicts and crisis. Thanks for listening.

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