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FRC: 4th General Assembly in Manila Gracious and loving God, we have come as people of faith and fidelity,

we have come in faithfulness to Mary in her single-hearted devotion to her son Jesus, we come to be inspred to continue the spirit and legacy of our founder Fr Patrick Payton in his invitation that the Family that prays together , stays together. We come as people bound together in our devotion and commitment as Christians in this year of the Eucharist. We thank you for having chosen Fr Payton, the servant of God, that special instrument to spread in this land the devotion of the rosary, the story of the life, death and resurrection of your son, the story of our own redemption through the gentle and affectionate and dedicated hands of Mary, our mother. You call us to be the Eucharistic people like Mary to be the bread that nourishes and nurtures, to be the love that sacrifices, to be the hope that engenders faith and surrender. Like the five loaves and two fishes in human personality and equipment when placed in the hands of your son and blessed by him has been enough to meet the needs of thousands, so may we too become your Eucharistic people with our littleness because you will multiply them into abundance. Its you who turn the curses and abominations into symbols of blessings and graces, making us your sacramental signs. May you bless the generosity and the good will found in your people gathered here, the time, the talents and resources that these people place at your disposal be channelled for the glory of your mission. May the cause of Father Payton be expedited by the tremendous devotion and faithfulness of the people of this land. Bless this fourth general assembly. Bless esp. the director, collaborators, coworkers and the many well-wishers, known and unknown, who support, inspire and promote the Family Rosary Crusade and make our deliberations, reflections be fruitful and inspiring to bring this mission and ministry more widely known through the intercession of Blessed Mary, our Mother who will want to honour her son through our efforts, generosity, now for ever. Amen.

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