America Involvement Speech

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Alec Auner 3/14/12 1 Purpose: To inform the class about the problem of how America is always trying to help

or interfere with the affairs of other nations and try to provide a solution. Introduction The United States has the third largest population in the world with a number reaching almost 314 million! The United States also has the worlds largest economy and one of the most, if not the most, powerful military. From these facts alone, we can see why America is so powerful and so eager to get involved with the issues of foreign nations. This interference must be regulated to some degree because it cost a lot of money, conflicts can lead to casualties, and it is important that other nations develop a sense of pride and maturity by handling their situations on their own. (Transition: First of all, is it the truth?) 1. We have seen time and time again how America seems to always play apart someway in the affairs of other nations. A. Interfering with the affairs of other nations is very costly. Sending aid and supplies to help other nations is not free and takes money. We are in no position to be handing out money in the form of aid to others when we are in around 14 trillion dollars. Military spending takes even more money to back. B. Many of the instances where America got involved were not friendly engagements. One in particular is the conflict that happened in Iraq and also Afghanistan. We had to get involved even when there are other nations that have the same motives. These conflicts have led to soldier casualties and sometimes innocent citizen deaths. C. Interfering with certain countries, especially the ones in the Middle East, only adds to their hate of the United Sates. We need to determine when it is right and necessary to get involved more than we have been. (Transition: Secondly, is it fair to all concerned?) 1. With so many people and countries that are involved, it is impossible to keep it fair for everyone. A. How many times when the United States interfered was it supported from the American people? It is fair to be so eager to get involved that we neglect the best interest of our own nation as well as neglect the opinions of the people. B.

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