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Periodic Table of the Elements Some Interesting Elements Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Element Name Atomic Symbol Atomic Number Atomic

Mass Group sodium Na 11 22.99 1A nitrogen N 7 14.01 5A potassium K 19 39.10 1A iron Fe 26 55.85 8B copper Cu 29 63.55 1B bromine Br 35 79.90 7A radon Rn 86 222.00 8A silicon Si 14 28.09 4A Period 3 2 4 4 4 4 6 3 Metal, Metalloid, Nonmetal Liquid, Gas, Solid metal solid nonmetal gas metal solid metal solid metal solid nonmetal liquid nonmetal gas metalloid solid

Source: "Periodic Table of the Elements," Los Alamos National Laboratory Chemistry Division, December 11, 2003, (accessed January 5, 2006).

Interesting Fact fourth most abundant element on earth makes up 78% of the Earth's air essential for plant growth Earth's core may be largely iron good conductor of heat and electricity only nonmetallic liquid element heaviest known gas one of the most useful elements

Periodic Table of the Elements Gases at Room Temperature Item # Element Name Atomic Symbol Atomic Number Mass Atomic Group Period

Source: "Periodic Table of the Elements," Los Alamos National Laboratory Chemistry Division, December 11, 2003, (accessed January 5, 2006).

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