George Enescu (In Engleza)

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Born; Childhood; Career; Died; George Enesco houses;

George Enesco was born on 19 August 1881 Liveni village, Botosani county and died on 4 May 1955 in Paris. He was a great composer, violinist, teacher, pianist and conductor. It is considered the most important Romanian musician.

He began playing the violin at age 4 to age 5 is in its first concert and begins composition studies under the direction of Eduard Caudella. First received musical guidance from his parents and from a famous musician, Nicholas Bosseyed.

In 1888 starts Enesco studied at the Vienna Conservatory. Beginning in 1889 will live to his teacher, Josef Hellmesberger junior. Study with Hellmesberger (violin), Robert Fuchs (harmony) and Johann Nepomuk Fuchs (counterpoint).

In 1893 finishes his studies at the Vienna Conservatory gold medal. The first public appearance at the Bsendorfer Hall of Sara sate's Faust Fantasy and Violin Concerto Musikvereinssaal Mendelssohn. In 1899 and ends his violin studies at the Conservatory of Paris, obtaining first prize again, this time offering him a violin Bernardel.

In 1914 conducts Enesco Simonyi full premiere of Beethoven's Ninth at the Athenaeum in Bucharest in Romania. It is already one of the most famous European musicians. In 1916 Enesco is elected honorary member of the Romanian Academy.

In 1929 is elected corresponded Enesco Academy of Arts of Institue Belle France. In 1939 Enesco Mary married in Bucharest CantacuzinoRosetti. In 1946 Enesco leave Romania for a tour in the United States. Upon his return to Europe decide to settle in Paris.

In 1948 George Enesco teaches at Mannes School of Music in New York. In 1951 in the broadcasts for Radio Bernard Gavoty French journalist Enesco granted a series of talks. Enesco will review later, allowi ng him to publish his Gavotyin book form under the title Memoirs of George Enesco.

George Enesco died in Paris on the night of March to May 4, 1955. He was buried in Pere-Lachaise cemetery, the capital of France. The tomb or gravestone is mounted a slab, which bears the following inscription, 'George Enesco, composer, member of the Institute(France), Commander of the Legion of Honor. 1881 to 1955. "

In Bucharest there is a National Museum "George Enesco. Next to the mansion is Moineti Tescani, his wife donated Enesco Romanian state provided it here to build a cultural center for artists. The house is Liveni who grew composer.

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