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Book Review

Startup entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship A life of Commas, Not full stops!

Book written by Raj Shankar & Meera Krishnan


Subhashini B 1009147 nd B Sc EM 2

Entrepreneurship A life of Commas, Not full stops!

Raj Shankar & Meera Krishnan

About the authors: Raj Shankar, the founder of ichiban Academy considers himself more a student of management science rather than a consultant or teacher. An avid reader and writer, Raj divides his time between his teaching engagements and consulting for small businesses. Raj has a Masters in International Business from Symbiosis Institute of International Business. Meera Krishnan, the co-founder of ichiban Academy, loves to work with and around people. Driven by a keen sense of curiosity, Meera derives her inspiration from her students and life at large. She is a post graduate from IIT Mumbai.

About the book: The book calls itself as one that critically highlights questions, reflections, experiences and moments that sets one off on a dialogue with oneself like, If I were to be like him, then who will be like me?, Isnt the neck of the bottle always at the top?, Should perfection be sought even if only the gods see your work?. This book would be a perfect companion making you laugh, think, resonate and argue if you are on an entrepreneurial route or intend to take one. This book has reinforced the importance of an ecosystem in the creation of anything unique and different, in spite of writing in various formats. Unlike the usual books on entrepreneurship or a how to become successful book, this book brings into limelight the familiarities, knowhows and moments that instills a feeling of becoming an entrepreneur in the minds of the readers. This book will help you mold yourself as an entrepreneur, letting you face the frontiers of starting a business. With hand on experiences and illustrations of the authors, who themselves are startup entrepreneurs; this book serves as a business guide to startup entrepreneurs.

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