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Complete these sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple.

Clean die enjoy finish happen live open play rain smoke start stay want watch. 1) Yesterday evening I___TV. 2) I only___my teeth four times last week. 3) Bruce___20 cigarettes yesterday evening. 4) The concert last night_ _at 7. 30 and___at 10 oclock. _ 5) The accident_ _last Sunday afternoon. _ 6) When I was a child I___to be a doctor. 7) Mozart___from 1756 to 1791. 8) We___our holiday last week. 9) Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it_. 10) It was hot in the room, so I__the window. 11) The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we tennis. 12) William Shakespeare___in 1616. Fill in the gaps in the sentences. 1) He always goes to work by car. Yesterday he___to work by car, too. 2) They always get up early. This morning they_ _up late. 3) Bill often loses his key. He_ _it last Saturday. _ 4) I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week I_ two letters. _ 5) She meets her friends every evening. She ____ them yesterday evening, too. 6) I usually read two newspapers every day. I only___a newspaper yesterday. 7) They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday they_ too. , 8) We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. We_ the cinema last _to Sunday, too. 9) Tom always has a shower in the morning. Tom___a shower this morning, too. 10) They buy a new car every year. Last year they_ new car, too. a 11) I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I_two oranges. 12) We usually do our shopping on Monday. We__our shopping last Monday, too. 13) Ann often takes photographs. Last weekend she_some photos. 14) We leave home at 8. 30 every morning. But yesterday we home at 8. 00.

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