Lab Report 2: "Experimental Determination of The Concentration of A Solution"

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Grupo: ____________

Nombre de la evidencia: Lab Report 2 Experimental determination of the concentration of a solution Objetivo: The student determines experimentally the concentration of a solution using simple materials available on the laboratory

Lab Report 2: Experimental determination of the concentration of a solution

Practices objective or competence: (Must be specified what is pretended to obtain with the making of the

Introduction. (Must document and summarize the topic. It is recommended to use a maximal of half page.)

Material. A list of equipment and material used during the practice must be written

Procedure. Clear and precise directions for the making of the practice must be redacted. It can be joined by
schemes or pictures.

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o fsica), etc.


Grupo: ____________

Results and discussions. Are the findings of the practice, must be redacted clearly and can be joined by
drawings, schemes, tables and graphics. Make sure to include your calculations. Use the following format:


Volume of problem solution 10 ml

Mass of residue (g of NaCl)

CONCENTRATION g/L % m/v Molarity (M)

Beaker 1

Beaker 2

20 ml

Beaker 3

30 ml

Conclusions. This section resumes the obtained results most important points. Each conclusion paragraph must
be brief and clear (no more than 4 lines by conclusion commentary). Comments like: it seemed an interesting practice to me, I had problems with the making of this practice, there were no material or equipment enough and thats why we didnt measure x, y, z, or I learned to use equipment I didnt know, are NOT part of conclusions.

References or bibliography. To document the practice, must be quoted the bibliographical sources consulted.

Notas sobre evidencia: Fecha, tipo de entrega (virtual o fsica), etc.

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