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Who would be the audience for your media product?

With our product we were aiming for an age range from 15-18 years. We did some audience research (which we mentioned in one of our blog posts.) and we found that this age range would be best suited for our product. We aimed to give our film a gritty/dirty feel, and this age range would be the best to understand the film. Along with this we also aimed for this age range because so some of the content. Although no gory or violent the fact that there is some scenes which involve killing and we thought that this would be unsettling for younger viewers. This age range would also be watching something similar to this on TV. We wanted to get their attention with something similar to their interests but we didnt want to do a copy of something that is already out there. We werent intending our film to be viewed by anyone younger than 15 partially because of the contence of the film but also because our film extract has quite a lot going on in a short amount of time and we felt that younger audiences might not understand the plot and what is going on.

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