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Real or Fictitious but realistic project Why,Where,When,How big Project description A. Describe project clearly with sufficient details for all parts B. Reason for project and time scales C. Describe location and explain with appropriate maps 1.

Scoping Exercise 2. Outcome of scoping exercise, A. Introduce scoping method chosen B. Complete scoping Choose a single environmental factor for detailed EIA study A. parameter chosen identified and explained B. legislation and policy identified and explained C. baseline data introduced and discussed D. Prediction methods, described and discussed.(Quantification of expected impact) E. Mitigation measures introduced, described and discussed.(Mitigation steps &Effectiveness


Who is going to use EIA Stakeholders and why they are interested in an EIA document

E: environment? People living within reach of project; (How far does reach go?): Health, social, economic,

Fauna and Flora affected by project; (directly and indirectly? Where do indirect effects stop?) Physical environment, air, water, soil,

Impact Direct / indirect Temporary / persistent Immediate / future / delayed Compared to impacts of not doing project Positive / negative impacts?

Assessment Methods to catch all potential impacts Have a systematic way of finding all Have a rational way of assessing which are relevant


Methods to quantify impacts and consequences Quantifying the current situation (Base line data) Field work Predicting the future situation without project going ahead (Reference scenario) Predicting the future situation with project going ahead (Impact Prediction) Expert input involving appropriate modelling / prediction tools

Method to minimise / reduce negative impacts as much as can be expected Identify possible Mitigation steps Predict future situation with mitigation steps in place Carry out cost-benefit analysis of mitigation step

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