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Evaulation Criteria for Participation Grade Participation grades are given in the middle of the semester and at the

end of term. Students are rated on a scale from 1 to 5, according to the follow rubric: 5-Highly Satisfactory The student is always punctual, attentive, and courteous in class; makes an effort to hand in work that is neat, thorough, and on time, makes constructive and respectful comments during class discussions; in class, the student is polite and always use a respectful tone in class; s/he does not speak out of turn; always refrains from using either a cell phone or laptop in class; never does work in class that is unrelated to course content; the student always informs the instructor well in advance if s/he must leave class early or will be arriving in class late; in written correspondence with the instructor, the student always uses a respectful and considerate tone 4-Satisfactory The student is mostly punctual, attentive, and courteous in class; usually makes an effort to hand in work that is neat, thorough, and on time; sometimes makes constructive comments during class discussions; in class, the student is mostly polite and usually uses a respectful tone with the instructor and other students; s/he usually does not speak out of turn; always refrains from using either a cell phone or laptop without permission or for noncourse related purposes; never does work in class that is unrelated to course content; the student always informs the instructor well in advance if s/he must leave class early or will be arriving in class late; in written correspondence with the instructor, the student always uses a respectful and considerate tone 3-Fair The student is inconsistent when it comes to being punctual, attentive, and/or courteous in class; makes little effort to hand in work that is neat, thorough, and on time; does not often make constructive comments during class discussions; in class, the student can sometimes be impolite and/or disrespectful tone with the instructor and other students; s/he sometimes speak out of turn; has used either a cell phone or laptop in class for non-course related purposes; does work or reads books in class that is unrelated to course content; the student sometimes does not inform the instructor well in advance if s/he must leave class early or will be arriving in class late; in written correspondence with the instructor, the student sometimes uses a respectful or inconsiderate tone; when doing group work will allow the discussion to veer off topic; may sometimes talk out of turn during class time; may lack courtesy towards the teacher or other students Note: any student who consistently texts during class or uses a laptop during class time will not receive more than a 3/5, regardless of whether or not they have excelled in other elements of the participation assessment. 2-Poor The student is usually not punctual, attentive, and/or courteous in class; does not hand in work that is neat, thorough, and on time; does not usually make constructive comments during class discussions; in class, the student is often impolite and/or disrespectful in tone towards the instructor and/or other students; often speaks out of turn; consistently uses either a cell phone or laptop without permission or for non-course related purposes; often does work in class that is unrelated to course content; never informs the instructor in advance that s/he must leave class early or will be arriving late to class; in written correspondence with the instructor, the student does not use a respectful or considerate tone; when doing group work or in class discussion often veers the discussion off topic; Any student who has ever spoken or behaved inappropriately towards either the teacher and/or other students, and/or has consistently fallen asleep during class time, will not receive more than 2.5/5, regardless of whether or not they have excelled in other elements of the participation assessment. 1-Unacceptable The student speaks and behaves inappropriately towards either the teacher and/or other students, and/or consistently falls asleep during class time; the student is not punctual and/or courteous towards the teacher or other students; does not pay attention during lectures or class discussion 0-Failure The student puts no effort in being attentive or courteous;has behaved highly inappropriately throughout class time.

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