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INSTRUCTION FOR PREPARING PPT PRESENTATION: While preparing the ppt you will avoid slide Transitions in the

slides only normal presentation, use only Mouseclick events SLIDES DESCRITPIONS

1. TITLE PAGE Project Title Name of the student regno Under the Guidance of Staff Name 2. Abstract (Maximum of 5 lines using bullets) 3. Objective (Objective of the project only 3 lines using bullets) 4. Existing System and its disadvantage (Existing system 3 lines and disadvantage using bullets) 5. Proposed System and its advantage (Proposed system 3 lines and advantage using bullets) 6. System Flow Diagram (Either DFD or Use Case Diagram or Flowchart within 2 slides) 7. Proposed System Techniques or methods (Only one slide explanation using bullets) 8. Modules Description 9. Screen Shots 10. Conclusion

General Instructions: 1. Proper Dress Code for boys and Girls 2. Labcoat 3. Proper saving wearing Shoes for boys 4. ID card must 5. Before presenting your presentation you should handover cd to your proper guide with documentation and coding and exe files. 6. Strictly Followed the timings and Schedule.

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