Pathognomonic Signs

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Pathognomonic Signs are terms often used in medical fields, describe the characteristic of a particular disease to make a Diagnosis.

Marking a sign or symptom -pathognomonic- represents a significant intensification of a diagnostic signs or symptoms. Here are some Pathognomonic signs and symptoms of different diseases.

Cushings syndrome moon like face appearance and buffalo hump. Graves Disease exopthalmus. Intussusception sausage shaped mass Hyperpituitarism - carotemia Parkinsons Disease. - Pill Rolling Tremors Myocardial Infarction -Levines Sign Pulmonary Tuberculosis low-grade afternoon fever. Pneumonia a rusty sputum. Asthma there are wheezing heard over expiration. Emphysema barrel chest. Typhoid fever rose spots in abdomen. Diptheria pseudo membrane formation Kawasaki disease strawberry tongue. Pernicious anemia a red beefy tongue. Cholera rice watery stool. Malaria stepladder like fever with chills. Down syndrome protruding tongue. Patent Ductus Arteriosus machine like murmur Measles kopliks spots. Systemic lupus erythematosus butterfly rashes. Liver cirrhosis spider like varices. Appendicitis rebound tenderness. Dengue fever petechiae or (+) positive Hermans sign. Leprosy lion face. Bulimia nervosa chipmunk face. Meningitis Kernigs sign (leg pain), Brudzinski sign (neck pain). Tetany Hypocalcemia , positive Trousseaus sign, Chvostek sign or facial spasm. Liver cirrhosis spider like varices.15. Leprosy lioning face. Bulimia nervosa chipmunk face. Pancreatitis Cullens sign or positive ecchymosis of umbilicus, positive Grey turners spots. Pyloric stenosis olive like mas Tetanus risus sardonicus. Addisons Disease bronze like skin pigmentation.

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