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****************************************************************************************** POST OUTAGE ANALYSIS ******************************************************************************************

To: Customer: Date of Trouble: Circuit ID: Service Type: Trouble Ticket#: Priority: Issue: 1 On (Day), (Date/Month), (Year) (Customer Name) called in to report that their service was down hard.

Service Product: (Provide Service Product affected)

Circuit Outage Summary:

The failure was initiated by (Cause) in (Where). (Explanation of Problem). The service was restored by (Provide Brief Explanation of Fix to Customer service outage). This service was restored on (Day), (Date/Month), (Year) and we have taken appropriate steps to insure that future problems such as this will restored with minimum mean time to repair.

The following is a detailed synopsis of the events Trouble Ticket# (XXXX).

** All times noted below are Central Time.



Action Taken Trouble Ticket called in by (Customer Name) (Service) Problem Identified Working Problem Service Restored Monitor period until this time trouble ticket now closed.

Current Status Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed.

Reason For Outage:

(i.e.Power Outage, Switch Port Bad, Phone Bad, PBX Configuration, etc).

Regards, Lee Greengrass Operations

(713) 554-8647 Ext: 1103

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