BSC FT-D0328

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Roll No........................... Total No.

of Questions :7]

[Total No. of Pages : 01

Paper ID [D0328]
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B.Sc. FT (601) (S05 / Old) (Sem. - 6th) FASHION MERCHANDISING

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates: 1) Attempt any Five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. Q1) Discuss the fashion cycle and the role of merchandiser during each stage of the fashion cycle. Q2) What do you understand by visual merchandising. Discuss its advantages to the buyer and seller in todays scenario. Q3) Explain the fashion pipeline. Discuss the major segments in the channels of distribution. Q4) What do you understand by trend prediction. How fashion forecasting is done. Q5) (a) Justify the statement The entire fashion industry must be consumer centered. (b) Discuss the factors in the macroenvironment that affect the consumption of fashion. Q6) (a) What are the responsibilities of a retail buyer. (b) Discuss the steps involved in the buying process of a fashion consumer. Q7) Write a short note on the followings: (a) Supplier-retailer relationship. (b) Sourcing. (c) Fashion planning.


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