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The ERA Process Sending

1a. Request appointment 2. Notice your authentic truth

1b. Grant a time ASAP 2. Turn off self awareness Be curious, attentive to Sender 3a. Invite Sender to send by saying, I am available to hear you. 4a. When Sender pauses, Mirror precisely what youve heard and seen, then ask, Did I get it? If answer is Yes, invite Sender to Tell me more. If No, say Tell me what Ive missed, then Mirror. Re-invite Tell me more. 5a. When Sender reports, Thats all, do a Summary Mirror (reflect all youve heard) followed by Did I get it all? If Sender makes corrections, Mirror, until Sender says You got it. Sender says You got it. Send a validating statement: I can absolutely see the sense you make and given all of that, I can imagine you might feel (state feelings you perceive). If Sender makes corrections, Mirror until Sender says You got it. Take breath.

3b. Report clearly what you are thinking so you become transparent and known by Receiver 4b. Add information until thats all; then say Thats all there is about that for now and stop.

5b. When asked if Receiver got it all. Respond with missing pieces until you can honestly say You got it. If, in the validation statement, Receiver misses accurate Feelings, Offer corrections. When Receiver makes corrections, Say You got it.

Copyright 2006 Dr. Joyce Buckner All rights reserved worldwide.

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