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Draw a use case diagram for a ticket distributor for a train system. The system includes two actors : a traveler who purchases different types of tickets and a central computer system that maintains a reference database for the tariff . Use cases should include BuyOneTicket, BuyWeeklyCard and UpdateTariff. Also include the following exceptional cases Timeout(i.e. traveler look too long to insert the right amount), TransactionAborted (i.e. traveler selected the cancel button without completing the transaction), DistributorOutOfChange, and DistributorOutOfPaper. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Draw use case of an ATM system with atleast 3 different actors that interact with system. Draw a use case diagram describing functionality of a watch. Draw use case diagram for Library Management System. Draw use case diagram for Hospital Management System. Draw use case diagram for Airline Reservation System. Draw use case diagram for Hotel Management System. Draw use case diagram for College Management System. INTERACTION DIAGRAM Sequence Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams

1. Draw sequence and collaboration diagram for Prob. NO 1 given above. 2. Draw sequence and collaboration diagram of an ATM system. 3. Draw sequence and collaboration diagram Describing functionality of a watch

4. Draw sequence and collaboration diagram for Library Management System. 5. Draw sequence and collaboration diagram for Hospital Management System. 6. Draw sequence and collaboration diagram for Airline Reservation System. 7. Draw sequence and collaboration diagram for Hotel Management System. 8. Draw sequence and collaboration diagram for College Management System.

CLASS DIAGRAM 1. Draw a class diagram representing the Relationship between parents and children. Take into account that a person can have both a parent and a child. Annotate associations with roles and multiplicities. 2. (i) Draw a class diagram representing a book defined by the following statement: A book is composed of a no. of parts which in turn are composed of no. of chapters. Chapters are composed of sections. Focus only on classes and relationships. (ii) Add multiplicity to the class diagram you produced in the first part. (iii) Draw an Object Diagram representing the Class diagram of the first part of this Question. (iv) extend the class diagram of the first part to include the following attributes: 1. a book includes a publisher, publication date and an ISDN. 2. a part includes a title and a no. 3. a chapter includes a title,a no. and an abstract. 4. a section includes a title and a no. 3..Draw a class diagram for a ticket distributor 4.Draw class diagram of an ATM system. 5.Draw a class diagram describing elements of a simple watch. 6.Draw class diagram for Library Management System. for a train system.

7.Draw class diagram for Hospital Management System. 8.Draw class diagram for Airline Reservation System. 9.Draw class diagram for Hotel Management System. 10.Draw class diagram for College Management System.

ACTIVITY DIAGRAM 1. Consider a process of ordering a pizza over The phone. Draw an activity diagram representing each step of the process, from the you pick up the phone to the point where you start eating the pizza. Do not represent any exceptions. Include activities that others need to perform. 2. Draw Activity Diagram for an Order Processing System. 3.Draw a Activity Diagram for a ticket distributor for a train system. 4.Draw Activity Diagram of an ATM system. 5.Draw a Activity Diagram describing elements of a simple watch. 6.Draw Activity Diagram for Library Management System . 7.Draw Activity Diagram for Hospital Management System 8.Draw Activity Diagram for Airline Reservation System. 9.Draw Activity Diagram for Hotel Management System. .

10.Draw Activity Diagram for College Management System.

STATE TRANSITION DIAGRAM 1. Draw STD for an Order Processing System. 2.Consider a traffic light system at a four Way cross roads(two roads intersecting at

Right angles. Assume the simplest algorithm for cycling through the lights (example: all traffic on one road is allowed to go through the cross road, while the other traffic is stopped). Identify the states of this system and draw a statechart describing them. Remember that each individual traffic light has three states (Green,Yellow,Red). 3.Draw a STD for a ticket distributor for a train system. 4.Draw STD of an ATM system. 5.Draw a STD describing elements of a simple 6.Draw STD for Library Management System. 7.Draw STD for Hospital Management System. 8.Draw STD for Airline Reservation System. 9.Draw STD for Hotel Management System. 10.Draw STD for College Management System. watch.

DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM 1. Consider a system that includes a webserver and two database servers. Both database servers are identical: the first acts as a main server, and the second acts as a redundant backup in the case the first one fails. The users use web browsers to access data through the web server. They also have the option of using a proprietry client that accesses the database directly. Draw a UML deployment diagram representing the hardware/ software mapping of the system.

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