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1.2. My sisters husband 3. The children 4. He has 5. Our car 6. How old are you? 7. I like tennis. 8.

I dont speak 9. She lives 10. We have a big house. 11. They dont like 12. Where does she work. 13. My husband doesnt work 14. Do they 15. What sports does she 16. We never drink wine. 2.1 1. Where do you live? 2. How do you spell your name? 3. How many sister does he have? 4. What food does she like? 5. Where do you have lunch? 1. Is Julie Richards sister? Julie isnt Richards sister. 2. Do they have a house in the centre? They dont have a house in the centre. 3. Does he speak three languages? He doesnt speak three languages. 4. Do you get up early? You dont get up early 5. Does Victoria have lunch in her office? Victoria doesnt have lunch in her office. 3.Country Spain French Germany Italian Brazilian America Japanese Nationality English Portuguese

7.Its half past eleven / Its eleven thirty Its a quarter to ten / Its nine forty-five Its twenty past two / Its two twenty Its four fifty-five / Its five to five Its ninety-five p. Its one pound thirty-five Its twelve pounds, seventy-two

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