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Mrs. M.

Sanders Class
This week we continued our author study with Mem Fox. We read the following books this week: Hello Baby!, Tough Boris, Whoever You Are, Where is the Green Sheep?, and Hunwicks Egg. We also highlighted sight words in our spring poem titled, March. We read St. Patricks Day chants and learned about how this holiday began. Math y y y y y Calendar, Weather, Attendance Bank books Felt Shamrock Pattern Game Shamrock Sequencing Lucky Charms Graph Theme

March 16, 2012

Dates to Remember
3/16 ~ K checklist sent home 3/19 ~ Blood Drive from 7:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 3/23 ~ Celebration Assembly (purple and orange pod share theme facts) 3/26 ~ 3/30 Spring Break 4/3 ~ Louies Restaurant Night

Reminders Please send a roll of pennies for our bank with your child on Monday! We have currently gone bankrupt and need more pennies to pay our children for their hard work! General Information A representative from LIFE South Community Blood Center came to our class today and talked with the children about the importance of donating blood and how blood works in our bodies.

We have continued to work diligently to earn money. Please ask me to tell you how many The students really enjoyed celebrating St. Patricks Day today. Thank you for helping out by reminding them pennies I have earned! We conducted an egg experiment that went along with the book Hunwicks Egg. Please ask me about what happened to our egg! We have finished constructing the habitat of our rainforest by adding a waterfall and trees to our classroom. We have started making our python and we are excited about how he is going to look in our rainforest! Next week we will be adding bugs and more animals to our habitat.
to wear the color green. We had a visit from a leprechaun, made a St. Patricks Day snack, and made fun rainbow crafts. Please ask your child to tell you about today!

I cannot believe that my second full week of teaching is almost over! These past two weeks have been wonderful and I am so thankful for this experience. Mrs. M will be returning to the classroom next week and we are excited to have her back! Have a great weekend!

Items Needed: Envelopes (post office) Pennies (bank)

Remember you can always contact Mrs. M at

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