Top Ten Must Do For Things For CET GDPI: 1. Start Making Answers To Common Interview Questions

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Top Ten must do for things for CET GDPI

Based on survey and interviews conducted on students who got admission into JBIMS. We asked them what were the most important things required during GDPI preparation for CET.

1. Start making answers to common interview questions JBIMS Students Speak - I was asked almost same questions in every interview - Interviews is all about Why MBA and your Strengths and Weaknesses - CETking answers help me gain confidence in PIs Most of the questions in Interviews are fixed repeated every time in every interview. Therefore, making foolproof answers to most common questions is very important. It will be great if you can write down all answers to common PI questions like Why MBA, Strengths & Weaknesses, etc. We have compiled 100s of PI questions and their answers in CETkings GDPI Clinic. Drop in and see hundreds of model interview question & answers. In short a perfect assistant to convert your call!!

2. Practice on Actual Questionnaire given in GDPI Students profile JBIMS Students Speak - I already knew what i am going to say in the GDPI thanks to the students profile - My interview was based on the Questionnaire only - CETKING workshops told me everything what to write and what not to write in the form During CET GDPI you will be given a Questionnaire to be filled. We have got the actual questionnaire for you to work on. It contains a list of questions asked in the Interviews, download now and start making your answers Take 4-5 copies of the forms and start making your answers, take this with you in every interview you take for CET.

3. Look presentable JBIMS Students Speak - There were some students in jeans and t-shirts, they had already lost it i guess! - I am going to use Rahul Sirs dressing tips even in JBIMS placements thanks to workshops Dressing well is one thing but dressing for the occasion is different. Your dressing seriously affect your score in the GDPI. Make sure you are looking presentable from hair style to your footwear. Check out some tips on dressing in GDPI clinic. | | Join for Written, Mocks, GDPI | Call Rahul Sir 09820500380

Top Ten must do for things for CET GDPI

4. Practice on Actual GD topics & PIs centre wise: JBIMS Students Speak - I had read all GDPI experiences of my centre Sydneham before my GDPI and it really helped - Same questions are repeated by every college every time so its a good idea to read them - CETKING workshop helped me prepare for individual questions of every GDPI centre GD & PI questions are repeated by most of the centres. Example welingkar GDPI is concentrated on current affairs and SNDT focused on Students profile. List of Centre wise GDPIs are compiled in GDPI Experience Bank

5. Current Affairs JBIMS Students Speak - Current affairs are equally important for GDs and PIs - I consider current affairs and business knowledge is most important thing in GDPI - Business knowledge taught in workshops is really helpful especially the primers given and daily lectures We always rank content more important than communication skills. You are applying for the job of business manager not TV anchor so business skills are more important than communication skills. Check how to increase your business knowledge and current affairs in GDPI Clinic

6. Brush up your subjects JBIMS Students Speak - I was asked about three golden rules of commerce because of my commerce background - Being from Engineering background I was prepared for engineering related questions - I was grilled on finance, thanks to the workshop I was prepared for this. If you are in final year or without work experience be prepared for questions on graduation subjects. Finance, Marketing or Operations be prepared for questions on sales, NPV or SCM.

7. Communication Skills JBIMS Students Speak - In my GD some of the students started speaking in Hindi - Communication skills are important for scoring good in GDPI For GDPI most important thing is content but second most important thing is communication skills. Start working on your communication skills and grammar. | | Join for Written, Mocks, GDPI | Call Rahul Sir 09820500380

Top Ten must do for things for CET GDPI

8. Research on your dream college JBIMS Students Speak - I was asked why I wish to join JBIMS - It took me ages to convince them that being rank 5 in CET, I want JBIMS :) - Thanks to CETking I was prepared for questions on my dream college Though not a very important question for CET but its still important to know why you want to join XYZ college. We can help you get an idea as to which all colleges you can get through with your score and percentile. Thus you can prepare accordingly

9. Economic & Business Terms JBIMS Students Speak - Knowing GDP, Inflation helped me in Group Discussion - Economic & Business terms like backward integration got me 17, 17 in GD and PI - CETKING rocks!! GDPI workshop with lectures on economics and stock markets helped me score 34/34 Knowing economic and business terms in GDPI will definitely help you increase your score in GDPI. Go through important terms in GDPI clinic

10. Take Mock GDPIs JBIMS Students Speak - It took me 20 mock GDs and 3 PIs to get into JBIMS - Take as many mock GDPIs for CET they help you improve your confidence - 7 PIs strategy taught in workshops really helped me score 34/34 in GDPI Practice, Practice & Practice will make you perfect. We will put cutoff at minimum 10 GDs and 3 PIs to perfect your GDPI skills and build confidence in speaking. Join CETking GDPI workshop for best preparation for your GDPI.

Feedback from students of JBIMS, compiled by CETking

All the best for CET Team CETking | | Join for Written, Mocks, GDPI | Call Rahul Sir 09820500380

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