Yoga Management For Prolapsed Uterus-WWI 2012

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Yoga Management for Prolapsed Uterus In discussion of our vital life force organ, the Uterus, we must look

at other causative factors that impact its homeostasis: Rapid succession of pregnancies Application of forceps before full dilatation of the cervix Passage of large babies through the birth canal Obstetric injuries Tumors Obesity Chronic bronchitis Intense athletic forces Post-natal rehabilitation is necessary to correct some of the mentioned conditions. When not given the proper attention and intervention the outcome becomes more critical. The pelvic floor is the most important area when faced with the issue of a prolapsed uterus. The pelvic is subjected to constant stress and strain when one sits, stands, walks, and during micturition and defecation. Poor posture affects the tone of the pelvic muscles and creates pressure that pushes the uterus downward and outward. The symptoms are not felt until the conditions advances to complete decent from the pelvic floor. The symptoms vary from: women carryon in life for years without complaint and have a major degree of prolapsed women who complain of chronic symptoms with a minor degree of prolapsed The Degrees of prolapsed: diagram

Stage 1 slight decent of the uterus but the cervix remains inside of the vagina Stage 2 uterus descends so that the cervix protrudes outside the vulva Stage 3 the whole lies outside the vulva Symptoms: A sensation of fullness of bladder A dragging sensation or weighty pulling down sensation Urinary problems Low backaches Discharge due to friction and ulceration Coughing, laughing and sneezing aggravates the pressure All day activities are compounded with exhaustion and pressure Inconsistent flow control of urination Weakness and lack of support of the perineum Descending prolapsed uterus may carry the upper part of the rectum Descending prolapsed uterus may carry a few loops of intestine The material for this study was taken from the research and writings of Dr. Krishna Raman, MBBS, MS, FRCS and author of A Matter of Health: Integration of Yoga and Western Medicine for Prevention and Cure. He stated, The human body and mind are gifts of God: the capitol given to us without any interest payable. He indicated that in order for our life to be fulfilled, it is our duty to the care of our body and mind regularly, the rest is left to God. Proverbs 19:21 Man (woman) makes his/her
plans; God sees the way!

Dr. Raman indicated prevention is better than cure. If good ante-natal and post-natal follow-ups are observed the problem of prolapsed uterus would rarely happen

He expressed,... if the problem can be diagnosed early, yoga provides complete correction. He shares that there are several postures wherein the uterus can be pulled up. Below he has suggested specific yoga asana to strengthen the inner supportive ligaments of the uterus. Specific Poses: Most important pose, Supta baddha konasana, with a belt (reclining butterfly with feet pressed flat together and drawn to the pelvic floor with strap assist wrap around small of back and fastened around legs and ankles to draw up the uterus. One can feel the uterus being pulled upward inside the body

Headstands and shoulder stands give immediate relief as the prolapsed uterus is pulled back by the supportive ligaments. Headstand is done with feet in baddha and upavishta konosana (feet are bound with strap suspended inverted butterfly) Rotational movements tone up the lateral (side) supports of the uterus Shoulder stands variations with a concave back creates space inside the pelvic floor and pulls up the uterus by means of its lateral and upper attachments Standing poses / back-bends hoist up the uterus by means of a direct upward pull. Back bends act as a suction force to pull up the uterus by contraction of the supporting ligaments. The contraction of the levator ani and other pelvic muscles are at the maximum during the practice of back-bends

Seated twisted poses pull on the corners of the uterus. These poses are more beneficial if done with a concave back

The perineal muscles are strengthened by yoga, as are the muscles of vagina and cervix. Regular practice of head stands keep the uterus toned up and firm. There is no contradiction to doing these poses even during pregnancy. Props are used if needed, especially for elderly clients. To summarize asanas recommended for prolapsed of the uterus: Supta Virasana reclining hero (block assist if needed) All concave standing poses seal of yoga/yoga mundra (hands clasp behind - back and forward fold) Head stands and variations Sir shasana (on the wall/ used blocks under both hands and allow crown of head to draw down towards yoga mat) Shoulder stands and variations - sarvangasana, half halasana (plow) Seated twisting poses like marichyasana (mariachi twist), upavishta konasana wide-leg forward fold Back-bends parvottanasana (supline blank/inverted table top), ustrasana camel (various levels block assist) As we accept the truth some of us were not fortunate to have appropriate intervention for a correct holistic protocol for healing, we are assured that we can begin the good work of caring for our body and minds; the rest is left to God! This also brings us to be with mindfulness and reach out with tools of prevention/intervention, teaching our younger daughters, granddaughters and all young women the critical importance of care for the sacredness of womanhood in wholeness and holiness through holistic and yoga therapy.

Are bodies are sacred! Our bodies contain the vital life force of Life! Let us reflect on one of the most intimate expression of the feminine experience of God honoring womanhood! Luke 1:40, 41 and 49 The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and gave her the news she was to birth the Messiah, Good morning! Youre beautiful with Gods beauty. Beautiful inside and out! God be with you. Mary responded, His mercy flows in waves after waves on those who are in awe before Him. I pray we recognize we are made beautiful inside and out in the eyes of God and we should remain in awe of His love that flows in an unforced rhythm of grace throughout our whole being. Breath by breath be blessed, Gina

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