Message To The Oun Secretary General

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WITH COPY TO: Sixth Summit of the Americas. President of the United States of America. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba. United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas.

Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations. 760 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA.

By Professor Luis Alberto Pita Santos. Highly regarded and beloved dignitary of the UN: Receive firstly my warmest greetings and my best wishes for your good work of the UN leadership. Not always successful, as in the case of Syria, unfortunately delayed by the ban reactionary and selfish conservative regimes of Russia and China. Mr. Ban Ki-moon is considering you the leader of the UN and my commitment to defending human rights anywhere in the world, I intend to cooperate with the UN to fulfill their best result: the practice that respects the rights and fundamental human duties worldwide, agreed in the Constitution of values of the UN. By the following claims. FIRST. That the UN refine its strategy and leadership procedures, aimed at making the laws in all the signatory nations of the UN, getting match fit and with the thirty articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. SECOND. That the UN and the UN know understand and explain the crime to the detriment of human rights in the world has the following features. 1. The crimes or offenses are of two kinds: A. Discrimination or discrimination action for violation of equal rights and individual freedoms and civil rights. a. Caused by the conservatism of the traditions of dogmatic thought (irrational) or preconceived opinions in its different forms of prejudice and xeno phobic homophobic: f'isicos, sexual, cultural, ethnic, racial, political, judicial, economic and other doctrines prejuzgantes. With two complementary ways: The idolgicas predestination, fetish worship or superstitious types: imaginative ghost or magic, created by the mythical figures or natural images: 2

plants, animals, etc., Considered divine incarnations and satanic conspiracies. The idolgicas predestination, or worship in ways supercheras idolatrantes: imaginative mystical or holy sacraments and comulgaciones considered sincretizaciones church. b. Offenders committed by state hierarchy, autocratic, especially, theocrats and warlords (foremen or bosses) who usurp absolute power, monarchy, hegemonic and life. B. Gangsterization or gangster action, the common violation of the rights and individual liberties and civil rights. a. Also caused by the conservative habits of thought dogmatic (irrational) or preconceived opinions in its many variants homophobic prejudices and xeno phobic: f'isicos, sexual, cultural, ethnic, racial, political, judicial, economic and other doctrines prejuzgantes; concretized in two types of fanaticism: The fanaticism of psychopathological problems or mental disorders querulentes obfuscations paranoid people: obsessive and / or insane. Caused by the bad influence of the authorities discriminatory. The fanaticism of mental disorders by disturbances Unversed people agnsicas: estultas and / or stupid. Caused by organic and pathological lesions that alter the behavior of some individuals.

b. Perpetrated by common criminals, including organized crime mafia oligarchs of monopolies and cartels. 2. Both kinds of criminals, and gangsters crato discriminators, often use all sorts of crimes, including extreme modes of violent actions, torturous, murderous and terrorist. 3. Criminals sovereign (political and judicial) discriminators are worse than the gangsters by using the abuse and corruption. 4. Abuse, tyranny or dictatorship of the criminal crato discriminators manifested by: A. Monarchization, action or impose monarquizar monarchy system which is supreme over all, life and follows a hereditary order as cases of ape ancestors, the kings and military despots (including "communist"). Par 3

excellence, the judgments so prevalent in North Korea for six decades and Cuba for 53 years. B. Hegemony, action or impose hegemony hegemony; exercise the monarch of a state supreme influence over the other monarchs or other foreign countries. Wit: the hegemony of Fidel Castro Ruz on dictators and lords many nations in Africa and Latin prominently for more than half a century. Maintained even today in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Bolivia. 5. Bribery, bribery or corruption of the criminal crato discriminators, markedly monarchical regimes and hegemonic, against the poor is used to facilitate and cover up violations of the richest, is demonstrated by venalizacin and mercenary activities, causing: A. The Cynicism, envilecencia or perversity, of scoundrels sovereign discriminators especially oligarchs (of monopolies and cartels); manifested blatant and depraved ways: a. Disloyalty or infidelity felonas authorities, especially treacherous and incidiadores. b. The malice or wickedness of powerful evil perpetrators, particularly evil and wicked. B. The cleptomism, the ratencia or rapacity of thieves, who steal usually immense wealth to their subordinate community victims (of their nation and foreign countries vassals) by desvalijaciones sustraciones and, in two ways: a. The fraudulence or escurrilidad of scammers richer, especially stealing or pilfering small amounts of property, including salary, life or the physical and mental crowds of people, especially workers. By types of embezzlement and defalcaciones (cincunvenciones and speculations) b. The expoliencia or saqueabilidad, of discriminating pirates and gangsters, specified with extorcaciones and depredations. 6. Crime discriminating monarchists-hegemonic, abusive and corrupt is the main culprit causing much of gangster crime. By: A. Enforce laws prohibiting deceptive and repressive in many activities covered and protected by human rights established by the UN. This is demonstrated in two versions:

B. Cause poor quality of life of the poorer classes, the crises of its member nations and other victims. Evident poor health, housing, education, legal and political equality, economic, security and other benefits. Through no fault of capitalism, as some mistakenly assume, but the inefficiency of it, for some big capitalists, allied with the leaders discriminating, abusive and corrupt violate many articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, endorsed by the United Nations and the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO). THREE. Claim that the UN, primarily its Secretary General, to fully exercise de jure and de facto, your entrusted supreme sovereignty over their subordinates world sovereign (political and gnomic) members of the United Nations. Controlling, and suppressing all the discriminators and hegemonic rulers, criminals and corrupt more abusers. The main culprits of promoting all the great gangster mafia crimes, transgressing more amount, intensity and recurrence of human rights of its people and those of other neighboring communities. FOUR. Claim that the UN finally intervene in the tragedy of Cuba (the worst of America) that has lasted 53 years, and help solve it. Ending with poly hyper criminal history of Fidel Castro Ruz, who is still surreptitiously extraordinary monarch offender for life, abusive and corrupt Cuba, supported by his brother Raul and other major accomplices. That the UN and stop too many disastrous consequences, harmful and pernicious suffered by the vast majority of the Cuban people and many others from various nations of the world are also victims. Sobran irrefutable truths that the crimes of the Castro and his top colusores, have been characterized by: 1. The strategy or willful violations of the Castro that priority has three purposes: A. Absolute increase and extend its power system (political-legaloligarchs) imperial nepotistic and life. B. Subject almost entirely to the Cuban people by depriving it of almost all the rights and freedoms. C. Appropriating immense riches of Cuba and other nations. D. Export and expand their evil empire back and hampnico, disguised as a "revolution" or socialism to many countries on five continents, with primacy of the Americas, Africa and Asia. Whose great baleful influence remains today in the regimes of Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua. Calling themselves "revolutionaries": metaphor and rabbit euphemistic, misleading and covering up the pretense of a criminal autocratic sovereignty similar to the Castro. 5

2. The methods, tactics or procedures Castro to carry out their multiple discrimination were: A. Oppress or tyrannize the people of Cuba the illegitimate rulers (leaders and jurisprudents) in all jurisdictions. B. Plotting all supporters of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) to carry out their criminal activities with multiple metaphorical schemes, illegal and false. C. Betraying with felonies prevaricadoras insidious and, cynics own offenders, scurrilous and evil, evil to our country and other nations, causing them to many irreparable damages. D. Stealing through its piracy, exemplified by the huge expropriations of their rightful owners, especially at the beginning of his "revolution" or discrimination Alternating with the constant theft scammer (and embezzler embezzler) Cuban national heritage. Deceiving many in the name and the fallacy of abolishing the privatized property for conversion into state property or the whole town. E. Threaten and retaliate with repression of unjust captivity or kidnapping, torture and murder (including genocide) to hundreds of thousands of people to eliminate or exterminate them because of their courageous activism vindication of human rights and opposing the outrages Castro, especially terrorist dissidents and opponents of such a system crato criminal. F. Harass, move and deport millions of Cubans and foreigners because of their opinions and preferences, cultural, artistic, religious, sexual, political, economic, etc. G. Institutionalize and legalize the widespread discriminatory system of crime crato fundamental human rights. H. Recidivism perdulariamente vicious or violations of fundamental human rights to millions of Cubans and other nationalities. I. Violate their own civil and criminal laws of the so-called Republic of Cuba, in force for over five decades. J. Perpetually usurp and wield positions through elections and presidential elections false or undemocratic.

K. Ensure the total impunity of the Castro brothers, the highest criminal Cuba while they are alive. Meaning the aforementioned strategies and tactics of the Castro the consummation of hundreds of millions of crimes of all species, modes and circumstances, criminal evidence against humanity for over half a century. That is, criminal behavior discriminatory, abusive and corrupt grounded in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Typified torture, murder, extermination, deportation, displacement or sequestration wrongful incarceration, persecution on political, religious, expropriation or theft, disappearance, and many other practices that cause severe suffering damages physical and mental. Committed as part of systematic and widespread attack against four generations of Cuban and other countries, especially Africa and America, and with knowledge of the attack. Castro discriminatory conduct against humanity against which many millions of victims Cuba and other nations have repeated complaints and demands for them to be judged according to international justice and ethics. FIFTH. UN claim that U.S. influence to prevent its sovereign (political and legal) traditions dogmatic conservative homophobic and xenophobic continue their widespread crime and gangster discriminatory, abusive and corrupt, as specified in: 1. The violation of right to life by judicial execution. Similar to the cases of China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and other murderous authorities in several countries. Similar to the cases of China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and other murderous authorities in several countries. 2. The violation of legal rights, for two precepts transgress constitutional: A. The right of independence of the legal power to promote the supremacy of the political system, its interference in judicial processes and favoritism protecting criminal gangs more powerful and richer. B. The right to legal equality of the poor to protect the perks and coverups of the rich violators and Conservative authorities and discriminatory. 3. The violation of the right to euthanasia. 4. The violation of the rights of immigrants. 5. The violation of the rights of homosexuals and transsexuals. 6. The violation of the prostitution of both sexes. 7. The violation of the right to subsidized public education.

8. The violation of the right to public safety. 9. The violation of the right to gamble. 10. The violation of some labor rights, agreed by the International Labour Organization. 11. The violation of the right to participate in the economic activity of narcotic drugs at all stages: production, distribution, trade and consumption. The most difficult and controversial, which has grown worse over the past four decades. Causing huge damages in the Americas, particularly disastrous and horrible in Central America and Mexico. Theme that is provoking interesting discussions among numerous dignitaries and American and European intellectuals who promote reforms to normalize and legalize this drug company. Which will encourage the enormous social benefits for our continent. CONCLUSIONS. Mr. Ban Ki-moon will demand the UN to you and help us save Cuba, ending his disastrous criminal crato system. Very similar to that experienced by the northern part of Korea, his homeland for six decades under the monarchy of the Kim dynasty. Mr. Ban Ki-moon will demand the UN to help you and also to the United States and other nations of America to solve serious social problems inherited from its Conservative authorities and opposed to all liberal reforms promoted by the progressive government led by Barack Obama. This important document will refer it by certified mail, mail and fax. Also I will publish on Scribd networks, Facebook and Twitter and other media. For better understanding of the issues in this post, I recommend also reading the detailed comments of those crimes sovereign and the proposed solutions contained in the following documents: MESSAGE TO RAUL CASTRO RUZ. Public in MESSAGE TO PRESIDENT OBAMA. Public in REFORMISM V. CONSERVATISM, TERRORISM AND CRISIS. Public in CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS CRATO CRIMINAL THE GREAT CRISIS OF USA. 8

Public in SAVE TO CUBA PRECEPTIVE. Public in: 29 Complaints update and / or Criminal Demands Against Sovereign, oligarchs and U.S. Mercenaries Rabulas Public at: Updated 29 Accuses and / or Against U.S. Demands Criminal Sovereigns, Oligarchs and Rabbles Mercenaries Synopsis of MYTRUTHS. Public at Profile-o-Epitome-autobiographical-de-Luis-Alberto Pita SantosPublic on Facebook, Twitter and Scribed: Atte.

Signed in Houston, March 11, 2012. Luis Alberto Pita Santos. University Professor of History and Political Economy Scientific, heuristic and entrepreneur of MYTRUTHS, History President of the ADEPOs (Association for the Defense of Political Rights and People's Democratic Alliance) Kidnapped and tortured in Cuba and the USA for my activism rights reforms and freedoms underwritten by the UN. Cuban exile, a Spanish citizen and permanent resident of the United States. 5455 Timber Creek Place Drive. Apt 101 Houston, Texas 77084 Mobile Phone No: 281 704 3105 My email:,,, My Site on the Internet My albums of photos and documents

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