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School of Engineering and Materials Science Coursework Cover Sheet

Student name: Student ID: Email: Programme of study: Personal tutor: Project supervisor: Module: Module code: Organiser: Coursework number: Coursework weighting: Coursework title: Coursework issue date: Due hand-in date: Feedback return date: Mark return date: Student declaration: Tanwir Siraj CHOWDHURY 089600003

Mark / 100:

H400 MEng Aerospace Engineering Prof Ante Munjiza Dr Fariborz Motallebi Group Project DEN400 Dr Tina Chowdhury 10 0.00% Safe Operating Procedure Draft Thursday 1st December 2011 Thursday 8th December 2011 Thursday 8th December 2011 Thursday 8th December 2011

I confirm that the contents of this report are entirely my own work and that nothing has been included from other sources without acknowledgement/reference. Signature:


Explicit marking criteria: No mark. Will be peer-assessed on 8/12 session. Check list for student: Group to produce by 8/12 session.

cwid: 0012684

Created 08/12/2011

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