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Patient Safety

By Muhammad Hanif bin Omar 3rd Year, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University

What is patient safety?

WHO defines patient safety as the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of health care.

1 out of 10 patients are affected by the lack of patient safety. About 7000 patients die each year from various medical errors. WHO calls this an endemic concern.

Factors affecting patient safety,

& How to manage them.

1. Overworked physicians

Our brain requires at least 7 hours of sleep to function well. Some physicians work for 40 hours straight. Sleep deprivation adversely affects the brain and cognitive function. Patient safety is greatly compromised.

Solution? The shift system.

Physicians will have ample time to rest. Emotionally and psychologically stable.

Greatly decreases the tendency to malpractice.

2. Lack of health literacy.

Health literacy: An individuals ability to read, understand and use healthcare information to make decisions and follow instructions for treatment.

Why is it important?
26-60% of patients could not understand medication directions, a standard informed consent, or basic health care materials.

This means theres a failure of communication.

This can greatly affect the patient safety.


Patients can make better decisions and properly follow treatment instructed. Should start from childhood. Hospitals and governments must make the information available.

3. Unequal distribution of healthcare.

What is it?
Rural areas are usually neglected. Professionals operators prefers or assigned to non-rural areas. Unskilled medical operators can cause great harm to patients.

Fair distribution of quality healthcare.

Government must be fair in the distribution of quality healthcare. Trained operators and physicians must understand the needs of the rural areas. Produce more quality medical operators and physicians.

4. Ancient technologies and equipment.

Old technologies and equipment cause more harm than good. Higher rate of errors. Takes longer for physicians to diagnose.

Advancements in medical technologies.

Faster diagnosis and results, lower chance of error. Easier to manage patients.

Greatly improves the safety of patients, as well as quality of treatment.

Government must spend in research of low-cost advanced medical equipment.

Final words.

Thank you.

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