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Voucher Types

Payment voucher Receipt voucher Contra voucher Journal voucher Petty cash Cash collection Bank reconcile

Contra Voucher (f4) :

Double entry : Bank to cash, cash to bank, cash to cash

Cash Withdrawal

Main cash/cash collection - Receipt (Dr) Corp Bank Payment (Cr) Corp Bank Receipt (Dr) Main cash/cash collection-Payment (Cr)

Cash Deposit

Receipt voucher (f6):

Cash received from creditors/students

Fees Collection

Cash Collection Receipt (Dr) Student Name - Payment (Cr)

Payment voucher (f5):

Payment made to the creditors Payment

Main cash/cash collection -Creditor Name

Bank Payment

Corp 5212 - Creditor Name

Journal voucher (f7) :

Purchase Journal

Main cash/cash collection - Receipt (Dr) Corp Bank Payment (Cr)

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