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Advances in clinical phonetics

Per Martin Duckworth

Investigations in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics

Add to cart Price: 75.00 67.50 Hardback: 520 pages Also available in e-Book Published: April 2002 ISBN: 978-0-8058-4015-5 Publisher: Psychology Press Request E Inspection Copy

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Edited by Fay Windsor, M. Louise Kelly and Nigel Hewlett. Investigations in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics is a sequel to the eighth meeting of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, attended by delegates from 26 different countries. This book reflects the scope of the subject area of clinical phonetics and linguistics, the balance of input into it with respect to the different kinds of research being carried on, and the representation of researchers from different parts of the world. Its scope includes the application of all levels of linguistic analysis and the chapters of the book have been ordered as far as possible according to linguistic level, beginning with pragmatics and ending with acoustics. It will be immediately apparent that a greater number of chapters are concerned with applications of phonetics and phonology then with any other levels.

Table of Contents
Contents: Preface. M. Perkins, An Emergentist Approach to Clinical Pragmatics. J. Guendouzi, N. Mller, Defining Trouble-Sources in Dementia: Repair Strategies and Conversational Satisfaction in Interactions With an Alzheimer's Patient. M.H. Southwood, Evidence for a Direct Orthography-to-Phonology Route in Reading. H.G. Simonsen, M. Lind, Past Tense Expression in a Norwegian Man With Broca's Aphasia. S. Stavrakaki, Sentence Comprehension in Greek SLI Children. K.M. Bjerkan, The Importance of Input Factors for the Acquisition of Past Tense Inflection: Evidence From Specifically Language Impaired Norwegian Children. C. Maillart, M-A. Schelstraete, Morphosyntactic Problems in Children With Specific Language Impairment: Grammatical SLI or Overload in Working Memory? K. Nauclr, E. Magnusson, How Do Preschool Language Problems Affect Language Abilities in Adolescence? P. Schulz, Z. Penner, K. Wymann, Comprehension of Resultative Verbs in Normally Developing and Language Impaired German Children. G. Szagun, Learning the H(e)ard Way: The Acquisition of Grammar in Young German-Speaking Children With Cochlear Implants and With Normal Hearing. M. Kim, Y. Jang, Acquisition of the Novel Name-Nameless Category (N3C) Principle by Young Korean Children With Down Syndrome. W. Ammar, Acquisition of Syllabic Structure in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic. K.M. Yont, A.W. Miccio, L.E. Hewitt, Phonological Breakdowns in Children With Specific Language Impairment. L. Wei, Z. Hua, B. Dodd, Phonological Saliency and Phonological Acquisition by Putonghua Speaking Children: A Cross-Populational Study. S. McLeod, J. van Doorn, V.A. Reed, Typological Description of the Normal Acquisition of Consonant Clusters. E. Zaretsky, Effects of Oral Language on Sound Segmentation Skills: Crosslinguistic Evidence. R.T. Anderson, Onset Clusters and the Sonority Sequencing Principle in Spanish: A Treatment Efficacy Study. B. Heselwood, S. Howard, The Realization of English Liquids in Impaired Speech: A Perceptual and Instrumental Study. J.L. Locke, Vocal Development in the Human Infant: Functions and Phonetics. L. Nijland, B. Maassen, S. van der Meulen, Speech Motor Subprocesses in DAS Studied With a Bite-Block. J. Oxley, R. Daniloff, G. Schuckers, M.I. Stephens, Spectral Contrast Sensitivity of Lateralized /s/ Spectra Produced by High School Lateralizers. H. Miyakoda, Speech Errors in Japanese. D.G.H. James, J. van Doorn, S. McLeod, Segment Production in Mono-, Diand Polysyllabic Words in Children Aged 3;0 to 7;11. F.E. Gibbon, Features of Impaired Tongue Control in Children With Phonological Disorder. H.M. Sussman, T.P. Marquardt, J. Doyle, H. Knapp, Phonemic Integrity and Contrastiveness in Developmental Apraxia of Speech. G. Scharf, H. Masur, Voice Onset Time in Normal Speakers of a German Dialect: Effects of Age, Gender and Verbal Material M. Yavas, Voice Onset Time Patterns in Bilingual Phonological Development. T. Bressmann, T. Whitehill, R. Sader, N. Samman, P. Hoole, Quantitative Aspects of Glossectomy Speech Production. P.A. Dagenais, A.F. Wilson, Acceptability and Intelligibility of Moderately Dysarthric Speech by Four Types of Listeners. M. Lind, The Use of Prosody in Interaction: Observations From a Case Study of a Norwegian Speaker With a Non-Fluent Type of Aphasia. S. Nittrouer, Learning to Apprehend Phonetic Structure From the Speech Signal: The Hows and Whys. T. Whitehill, J.C. Chun, Intelligibility and Acceptability in Speakers With Cleft Palate. S. Madureira, L. Barzaghi, B. Mendes, Voicing Contrasts and the Deaf: Production and Perception

Issues. A.W. Miccio, K.M. Yont, H.L. Clemons, L. Vernon-Feagans, Otitis Media and the Acquisition of Consonants. S. Stajner-Katusic, D. Horga, S. Krapinec, The Voice of Polypoid Vocal Folds Before and After Surgery. S.N. Awan, C.L. Knych, Acoustic Characteristics of the Voice in Young Adult Smokers. M. Jaeger, M. Frhlich, I. Hertrich, H. Ackermann, P-W. Schnle, Perceptual, Acoustic and Electroglottographic Analyses of Dysphonia Subsequent to Traumatic Brain Injury. S.N. Awan, Automatic Estimation of Vocal Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio Using Cepstral Analysis.

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