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Popliteus Tendonitis Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What exactly is popliteus tendonitis?

Popliteus tendonitis, or tenosynovitis, is a tear in the popliteus tendon. A tendon is a thick cord of tough tissue that connects your muscles to your bones. The popliteus tendon goes from the back of your thighbone across the back of your knee. It then goes to the top front of your shinbone.

The popliteus tendon prevents your lower leg when running from twisting outward.

What are the causes for popliteus tendonitis?

Popliteus tendonitis is commonly caused when one of your feet roll inward. In addition, running downhill can also tear your popliteus tendon by putting extra stress on your tendon.

What are the signs and symptoms of popliteus tendonitis?

If you have popliteus tendonitis, you may have some inflammation, pain, swelling, or even tenderness outside of your knee. If you ignore the pain and continue to exercise, you could possibly inflame the area and itll get worse. Once it worsens, scar tissue can form. Scar tissue can make permanent exercise and activity be painful. It can also take weeks for you to fully recover from a condition of popliteus tendonitis.

How do you care for popliteus tendonitis?

The most integral part for treating tendonitis begins with resting your popliteus tendon while you give it time to heal. By resting your leg, youll diminish swelling and it will keep your tendonitis from getting worse. When pain decreases, begin slow, normal movements again. While you rest, ice the inflicted area. Ice enables blood vessels to constrict around the area which helps lessen the inflammation, including pain, swelling, and redness. To ice an area, put crushed ice in a plastic bag and cover it with a towel. Put this underneath your knee for about 15 to 20 minutes every hour for as long as necessary. Note: do not sleep with the ice back. You could possibly get frostbite.

If you believe you have a more severe case of popliteus tendonitis, you should seek consultation from a licensed medical professional. Caregivers may wrap your knee with some tape or an elastic bandage this will keep your knee from swelling. You may also be told to keep your leg raised at all time, which also lessens swelling

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