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Course Learning Outcomes

Student should be able to: explain appropriate hardware technical specification, input output processes and computer architecture in computer system apply appropriate method to solve arithmetic problem in numbering system construct a simple program in assembly language to perform given tasks

FP203 Computer Organisation

Credit(s) Pre Requisite(s) Duration :3 : None : 15 weeks

Ungku Omar Polytechnic

1 FP203 Computer Organisation 2 FP203 Computer Organisation

Course Summary
Chapter 1 Computer hardware and Flow information o computer fundamentals, functional unit, basic operational concepts and bus structure Chapter 2 Data representation in Computer Memory o numbering systems: decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal. o conversion between numbering systems, binary arithmetic, one's complement, two's complement, signed number and coding system. o digital logic components
3 FP203 Computer Organisation

Course Summary (cont.)

Chapter 3 Instruction set and Assembly Language Programming o instruction set, data format, addressing modes, status flag and assembly language programming Chapter 4 The Central Processing Unit o process of the computer that performs the bulk of data processing operation

FP203 Computer Organisation

Course Summary (cont.)

Chapter 5 Memory Organisation o basic concepts RAM memories. Read-only memories, Cache memory and secondary memory also covers in this topic Chapter 6 Input/Output Module o peripheral devices, Input-Output interface, Asynchronous data transfer Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt, Direct memory Access (DMA), Input Output Processor (IOP) and Serial communication
5 FP203 Computer Organisation

a. b. c. d. e.

Continuous Assessment (CA) Test (2) Quiz (3) Tutorial Exercises (10) Problem Based Task (1) Peer Assessment (2) Final Examination (FE)

30% 5% 35% 20% 10%

FP203 Computer Organisation


Main William Stallings (2010). Computer Organization and Architecture Design for Performance (8th Edition). Prentice Hall (ISBN : 13: 978-0-13-607373-4) Others Andrew S. Tanenbaun (2011), Structured Computer Organization (6th Edition). Prentice Hall (ISBN: 978-0132916523) John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson(2007), Computer Architecture:A Quantitative Approch (4th Edition). Morgan Kaufmann publishers (ISBN 13:978-0-0-12370490-0)




FP203 Computer Organisation

FP203 Computer Organisation

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