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Lesson Seven (d

q k)
Part 2
1. Learning Objectives & Communications:
a. Ask for directions. b. Learn to say direction words. c. Review Lesson 4.

2. Core Vocabulary
Characters Pinyin w r m bi ki dng x xin l gng gng y hu hun ho xin nn Word class N. N. V. N. N. Adv. N. Adj. Adv. V. MW. N. N. English meaning Walmart north to drive east west first route; road public after change; change for No. line south

3. Texts a. The route. A qng wn q w r m zn me zu


n cng zh r y zh wng bi ki gu y ge l ku wng dng gui gu y ge hng l dng wng x gui ji do le b. Transportation means. A

qng wn cng zh r zn me q fi j chng B 3 13 n xin zu sn l gng gng q ch sn ge zhn y hu zi hun d ti sh sn ho xin 4. Review Lesson Four
1). Tell people someone is tall/short/fat/thin/pretty/handsome/smart/stupid. 2). Ask and describe: someones ability (dancing/playing chess/ drawing/ singing, etc.)

Intensive Speaking
Please check the format and the content, and get prepared before you come to class. 1. Ask for the price and size (interpersonal) (LESSON 5 PART 1) Customer asks for the price of something; salesclerk asks for the size. (at least 2 different items.) 2. Tell people what you want to buy and ask for a try-on. (interpersonal) (LESSON 5 PART 2) (at least 2 different items.) 3. Bargain (interpersonal) (LESSON 5 PART 2)

4. Invite someone to dinner (interpersonal) (LESSON 6 PART 1) (two scenarios: have time/ do not have time ). Finally you should make a decision on time and place. 5. Eat at a restaurant. (interpersonal) (LESSON 6 PART 2A and 2B) Three in a group. One is waiter/ waitress. Start from welcoming customers. Ask and order drinks and food. Pay the bill. 6. Ask for the routes. Give directions. (interpersonal) (LESSON 7 PART 1) Two in a group. 7. Ask for and give the transportation means. (interpersonal) (LESSON 7 PART 2) Two in a group.

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