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ME 415: Refrigeration and Building Mechanical Systems

1. An ideal R134a chiller operates with a condensing temperature of 45o C and an evaporator temperature of 2o C. If the cooling rate is 20 tons, what are the refrigerant ow rate, condenser pressure, evaporator pressure, COP, EER and kW/ton? 2. Calculate the power required by the two compressors in an ammonia system which serves a 50 ton evaporator at 20o C. The system uses two stage compression with inter-cooling and removal of ash gas. The condensing temperature is 40o C. 3. A two stage ideal vapour compression refrigeration system with regenerative inter-cooling operates with R134a and has pressures of 0.1, 0.4 and 0.9 MPa in the evaporator, ash chamber and condenser, respectively. If the refrigerant load is 5 tons, estimate the COP of the system. 4. An ideal vapour-compression refrigeration cycle, with ammonia as the working uid, has an evaporator temperature of 20o C and condenser pressure of 1.2 MPa. Saturated vapour enters the compressor and saturated liquid exits the condenser. The mass ow rate of the refrigerant is 3 kg/min. Estimate the capacity of the system and the value of COP. 5. Draw a performance curve of an ideal R134a vapour-compression system showing compressor power, refrigeration eect and COP as a function of evaporator or condenser temperature. It is given that, refrigerant ow rate is 1 kg/min. (a) Evaporator temperature is xed at 0o C, and condenser temperature varies from 20 to 50o C, in an interval of 5o C. (b) Condenser temperature is xed at 30o C, and the evaporator temperature varies from 35 to 0o C, in an interval of 5o C. 6. An ideal vapour-compression system is modied to include a counter-ow heat exchanger. Refrigerant 134a leaves the evaporator at 0.14 MPa and is heated at constant pressure to 20o C before entering the compressor. Following the isentropic compression to 1.2 MPa, the refrigerant passes through the condenser, exiting at 44o C. The liquid then passed through the heat exchanger, entering the expansion valve at 1.2 MPa. If the mass ow rate of refrigerant is 6 kg/min, estimate the refrigeration eect and COP of the system.

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